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Agent Pixel: Forgotten Hero and Lost Nicktoon of the Web

 Now you might be wondering: Who is Agent Pixel? If you grew up in the early 2000s like I did, you probably already know the answer. But if you didn't, then prepare to be introduce to or reminded of one of the greatest webtoons in internet history! (In my opinion, at least. ;-P) 

Agent Pixel, which came out in the year 2000 on, was a series of webisodes that followed the Adventures of the titular agent who, along with canine Rex and her gaming buddy and occasional partner Sprite, works for the Federation United Networks (F.U.N. for short), where, under the command of her boss, simply known as Chief, fights to fix glitched out games that happened tampered with by Pixel's archenemy, Numlock.

For those wondering how I got this pic, I simply took a screenshot of a YouTube video for Agent Pixel on my phone, and cropped the rest out.

For what I can remember, there were a total of either nine or 10 webisodes, each featuring at least two games, one that could be played before watching the webisode, and the other one that had to be beaten in order to progress through the story. After which,  you could watch the webisode all over again, or you could just play the games again. The webisodes were very entertaining at the time, and the games were fun, as well, as long as you had a steady broadband connection, at least. The series also had plenty of references to real life games, with one webisode even referencing Double Dragon.

Sadly, the series only lasted for nearly two years, and hasn't seen another episode since 2001. What's even worse, is that I don't think that even Nickelodeon is even aware of its existence. Fortunately, I have found a few traces of the series existence, including a couple pieces of fan art, one of which can be found here, some videos on YouTube, a couple of which you can watch on here, as well as a playlist you can find here, a single Wiki article that you can read here, and a good chunk of the actual webisodes that are still available today on certain sites. In fact, you can play the very first webisode here.

This is an old load up screen for the webisode series.

Overall, do I think Nickelodeon will ever bring Agent Pixel back? Probably not! But if we spread the word and make Nickelodeon know of its presence, who knows. Until then, at least I know there are still some traces of this nearly forgot it in web series still around today.

Thank you for reading my article everyone! Let me know in the comments section if you remember agent pixel or if this is your first time hearing about this web series. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of you guys make some fanart or fanfiction for Agent Pixel. I would love that actually! Until next time, take care! ;-)


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RetroOtaku620 Posted on May 02, 2021 at 04:31 PM

I made a mistake in calling one of the characters by the wrong name. Pixel's canine sidekick is named Byte, but I thought his name was Rex.

RetroOtaku620 Posted on Nov 12, 2020 at 05:13 PM

Kudos to Vaporman87 for fixing my article. Thanks, dude! I owe you one!

echidna64 Posted on Nov 12, 2020 at 05:08 AM

Looking better dude!

Vaporman87 Posted on Nov 11, 2020 at 07:16 PM

Fixed it with green text.

RetroOtaku620 Posted on Nov 09, 2020 at 01:41 AM

If you're looking at this on mobile, highlights the whole thing to read it.

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