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Displaying 221-230 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5506ArticleHsering77Good article. Monster Squad is one of my favorites Sep 21, 2021View
5505ArticleSteveUrkelUNDER WRAPS REBOOT?? How did I not know this?! And how am I 40, yet still care so much?!5 Retro Movies You Should Watch For HalloweenSep 21, 2021View
5509ArticleoniparNever did see Under Wraps, and Little Monsters isn't a Halloween one for me, but the others are all on my list. Great suggestions all around! 5 Retro Movies You Should Watch For HalloweenSep 24, 2021View
5503ArticleBenjanimey'know, out of all these moves listed i actually haven't seen monster squad yet, a very solid list. i also recommend checking out a top ten horror movie list i put together several years back ;) Retro Movies You Should Watch For HalloweenSep 20, 2021View
5504ArticleMr MagicThe only ones I didn't see are Under Wraps and Halloween Tree. Both look pretty inviting.5 Retro Movies You Should Watch For HalloweenSep 20, 2021View
5502ArticleVaporman87I've seen at least some part of all of these films except for Little Monsters, so I may have to give that a try. Overall though, a stellar list. These are all great films for Halloween viewing. Well done, sir.5 Retro Movies You Should Watch For HalloweenSep 20, 2021View
5500ArticleJulieI never had the NES back then, but the Atari 2600 and the Master System a few years after. But when I could get my hands on the Sega Genesis in 1991, I got mindblown with its incredible titles, full of velocity thanks to the 7.8 MHz Motorola 68000 processing speed and the unforgettable sound quality from the Yamaha sound chip, giving us those magical musics from Streets of Rage just to name a brief example. I kept the Sega Genesis until I got a Sega Saturn in 1995 and didn't have a SNES until 1996, a PlayStation and a Nintendo 64 in 1998. Article full of charisma and a delicious feeling of nostalgia, the result of a heart in love with the magic of video games. You're so amazing, my sweet @Benjanime!❤❤The NES and Sega Genesis Console WarSep 15, 2021View
5531ArticleoniparNice article! Don't know how I missed this one. I had the NES and then the Genesis too. Were always late adopters, so by time I was choosing, it was between the Genesis and the SNES. For whatever reason, the Genesis really captured my attention and that was the one I begged for, finally getting it as a graduation present from elementary school. I never did own my own SNES as a kid (got one as an adult when I started collecting), but my neighbor had one, so I got to experience a little of the main games at least. The NES and Sega Genesis Console WarOct 19, 2021View
5532ArticleBenjanime@onipar oh awesome! always a nice treat to get a game console as a gift :) i can't even remember how i got my genesis really, possibly coming from my older sister's allowance, or just my stepdad buying it but i was a toddler at the time so who knows lol. thanks for reading!The NES and Sega Genesis Console WarOct 19, 2021View
5501ArticleBenjanime@Julie you're so full of knowledge, my love ❤ i'm glad you're at least enjoying these articles, seems they're becoming old hat but i can understand seeing how i've written so many by now. thank you always for your amazing support, my beloved julia, i love you! The NES and Sega Genesis Console WarSep 15, 2021View