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Displaying 3571-3580 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3919ArticleVaporman87Obviously the most memorable was the "This is your brain on drugs" ads, but I also recall the "snake man" ad and some others you mentioned. These were mostly reminders of the state of affairs in the country at the time as opposed to actual deterrents. Even so, it is possible that somebody was affected by them enough to think twice about getting involved in the drug scene. Jun 08, 2017View
3920ArticleLazloI am a great fan of "The Breakfast Club" and John Hughes, and feel so blessed to have had both as part of my teen years. I think you have some insightful comments about BK. It was indeed about five teens, who could have been teens from almost any American high school, breaking through the stereotypes and discovering each other as real individuals. Its a protest against the clique system. And its full of these revealing moments: when Bender talks about his apparently abusive parents, when the Andrew (the jock) reveals a cruel prank he played on another student and draws a response from Brian (the nerd), when Allison (however awkardly) gradually reveals more of herself as the movie progresses. Really, the film is a breakthrough movie, and deserves a lot more credit that it sometimes gets.The Breakfast Club and Changing PerceptionsJun 08, 2017View
3928ArticleOldSchool80sLove that the MC Hammer doll includes a "Real Cassette" inside! Fun finds. I rarely purchase anything when I go, but it definitely is entertaining from a nostalgia perspective.Antique Store Finds: RebornJun 08, 2017View
3929ArticleOldSchool80sLove, love, love The Breakfast Club. I enjoyed reading your perspective and agree with the majority. Thanks for sharing!The Breakfast Club and Changing PerceptionsJun 08, 2017View
3930ArticleVaporman87Man. Still can't believe we actually lived in a time when M.C. Hammer was not only famous, but actually spawned figures and a cartoon. If not any other time, surely that time would have been the right one for complete reality implosion. Antique Store Finds: RebornJun 08, 2017View
3931ArticleVaporman87Ha! Laughable, these. You have to love Adam X. Seriously. Nothing screams "EXTREME!!!" more so than that guy. He makes every other "EXTREME!!!" style character look like Dick Tracy. My Five Favorite Super Losers of the 90'sJun 08, 2017View
3932ArticleVaporman87This is an amazing list for certain... but I still can't get over seeing Prince sitting on a toilet. That's legendary. Top number 2 Songs from the 80s that never made it to number 1Jun 08, 2017View
3933ArticlejkatzDisagree about Comix Zone. Sure, it's not a complex or deep game, but it still holds up pretty well all these years later...Sketch Turner's design aside. I never heard of Combo Man before, but when I was 9 or 10 I had the same exact idea-combine a bunch of superhero costume pieces into a new, "original" character. Goes to show you the level of creativity those 90s ad execs had. I probably don't need to tell you this, being a comics fan and all, but there was a lot of great series in the 90s too! I'd be interested in seeing your opinion on those as a follow up.My Five Favorite Super Losers of the 90'sJun 08, 2017View
3934ArticlejkatzI remember my family had a Joe Camel bath towel when I was really young. No idea where it came from or what happened to it, but given that I was regularly in contact with it for a period of time and never got addicted to smoking, I think all that hysteria was largely unfounded. *reaches for e-cigarette*Antique Store Finds: RebornJun 08, 2017View
3935ArticlejkatzIn the immortal words of Buzz Aldrin, "Second comes right after first."Top number 2 Songs from the 80s that never made it to number 1Jun 08, 2017View