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2111ArticleVaporman87Firstly, it's great to see you making your mark here at long last mass! You've been hiding some excellent writing talent from us for far too long. Secondly, I played every single one of these titles (though some NOT on PC) and have my own experiences and memories of each. However, I'm only going to concentrate on two of them. Ahh, Nascar Racing. And here I thought Papyrus' first Nascar outing had been completely lost in the dustbin of history. I loved this game for a short time when it first came out. My favorite thing about the game (as with most PC games I played) was the option for customization. I loved being able to create my own Nascar ride, complete with stickers and designs of my own creation. My car was sponsored by Rutland Furniture (our furniture store at the time). LOL. The #87 Rutland Furniture car was well known in the Nascar Racing universe for doing a 180 and heading in the reverse direction, making contact with the first car heading the other way, and watching as complete and utter destruction followed. Man, pieces of cars would fly everywhere in that game. I loved that. And since it was just a game, I was not disqualified for it, so I would turn around and win the race because nobody else's cars survived the turmoil. LOL Finally, NBA Live! I can't remember what year it was, but my copy of NBA Live allowed you to create, not just teams, but ENTIRE LEAGUES! I never played with the NBA guys. I instead created an entire league based on a fictional league my brother and I created in order to perform a sports radio program that we recorded on cassette tape. I made the rosters for 12 teams, one player at a time, and watched as I took myself out of the game, and just let the CPU handle the teams and who would win. It was as close to creating your own basketball league and watching the drama play out as you could get. I hate that NBA games these days don't allow this level of customization anymore. I miss that dearly. Mar 20, 2015View
2114Articleechidna64Great article, I sense a racing theme! Dude that training level in Driver is ridiculously hard! My friend and I took turns and spent an entire night trying to complete it. It's amazing how the tutorial can be harder than the actual game, gotta love the 90's!My Favorite PC Games of the 90'sMar 20, 2015View
2129ArticleHoju KoolanderHa, at first I thought you played racing games exclusively, but then you threw in Command and Conquer so I could relate. My older brother was a big PC Gamer and it was at his house that I played classics like Lemmings, Kings Quest 1-4, Wolfenstein 3-D, Duke Nukem and Doom. Those Encarta videos were a revelation at the time, that's for sure.My Favorite PC Games of the 90'sMar 21, 2015View
2130ArticlemassrealityI really should have mixed it up I didn't realize I played so many racing games at the time! I think a lot of that was due to my dad buying the games. If it didn't involve racing, he didn't buy itMy Favorite PC Games of the 90'sMar 21, 2015View
2132ArticleVaporman87Any time you wanted a game, you should have told him it was "multi-genre" and had a racing portion somewhere in there. My Favorite PC Games of the 90'sMar 22, 2015View
2159Article90schickI can honestly say I didn't play much on the pc...not until 99-00s with Sims and RCT...My Favorite PC Games of the 90'sMar 26, 2015View
187VideoVaporman87A reproduction of this is available at Toys R Us. I didn't see what price they were asking for it, but I imagine it's upwards of $150.00.Star Wars Kenner Millenium Falcon AdJan 24, 2013View
2092ArticleVaporman87I love, love, LOVE that those wrestling figures are the same sculpts used for the "Dutch" and "Hamato" ninja style figures! LOL I too enjoyed picking out the occasional cheap plastic plaything. Usually it was the result of my mom having to take us to the grocery store and to appease our cries of boredom, she would allow us to choose something from the small, limited toy aisle that was present there. We would also pick up special junk like this at the Fair as well. Whether by winning it, or just carelessly spending our money on it outright. Funny thing is, nowadays, I am buying this exact same stuff for my own kids. It's like they never stopped manufacturing it or changed it in any way. During this past year's Ox Roast (Fourth of July Festival) here in Rutland, I ended up having to buy two sets of those weapon packs (western style) with the cheap weapons. Good stuff. LOLPoor Kids ToyboxMar 18, 2015View
2093ArticlevkimoThat's the thing! The stuff hasn't changed at all! They're milking those plastic forms for all their worth hahaPoor Kids ToyboxMar 18, 2015View
2096ArticlepikachuloverAfter a while I got better at finding the better quality toys. Sometimes they would have name brand toys. My mom would buy me male dollar store fashion dolls. They would have outfits that were made out of more expensive fashion doll left overs. I had a few that wore some Micheal Jackson doll clothes. One had a "Thriller" jacket. They were cheap and the heads would fall off. Poor Kids ToyboxMar 19, 2015View