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Displaying 3761-3770 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5162ArticleVaporman87Holy cow! I’m like you... I just figured they were out there still. But since I also never purchased any, I was out of the loop. Apr 01, 2020View
1113ArticleMr MagicHoly cow! I had that same Disney Adventures mag!The Summer of 1995Jun 02, 2014View
4505ArticleVaporman87Holy Cow! Can you imagine how much such a magazine would cost nowadays, with every item having to be illustrated and colored? Ridiculous! I wonder how often they had to make returns because the customer felt that the artistic rendering of the item constituted false advertising or poorly represented? Also, which film featured Darth Vader's brother, Darth Vadar?Super Hero Toy Catalog 1978Aug 06, 2018View
1603ArticleVaporman87Holy cow! Apparently Spinjas are more popular now than 1990! 1990 - The Year Santa DiedDec 11, 2014View
111ArticleVaporman87Holy cow, I couldn't agree more. Now I actually purchased BOTH versions of MK; the SNES and Genesis versions. My personal thoughts were that, while the Genesis version stayed closer to the arcade in terms violent content, the SNES version had superior graphics and controls. But, that's just me. Oh, and Night Trap looks like it's going for anywhere from $150 to $400 still sealed. Yikes.Joe Lieberman VS ScorpionDec 31, 2012View
2149ArticleRuespielerHoly cow you wrote 3? Well done! My favorite shows and movies are always ones in which the locations become a silent character. You can't always go back to the bedroom you had when you were 6, but you can always go back to your old friend', locked away in their celluloid immorality. Retro Rooms Part DeuxMar 25, 2015View
1639ArticleMr MagicHoju, we haven't had too many movie years like 1989 in the 21st century, have we? I remember the handheld game, btw.Batman '89 RememberedDec 15, 2014View
3227ArticleMarshMellowHoju, It's awesome that you are still in touch with your childhood buddy. I wish I could say that "Lacey" and I had kept in touch, but our parents split up when we were about 12 years old. She lived with her mom in a different town (this was before we had internet at home) so we never saw each other again after that.Expl-ho-ho-ho-sionDec 16, 2015View
3794ArticleSupermanHoju, I'm enough of an oldies fan that I recognize all of those names. I bet they were a lot of fun to see.Salute to the '60sMar 23, 2017View
2742ArticleoniparHoju, I knew you'd be a True Believer! :-) That sounds like you go all out. The chainsaw thing...yeah, I'd be afraid to do it these days. Thanks, Micky! Wow, that house sounds pretty killer! I kinda wish I could still go trick or treating. :-pThe Unsung Heroes of HalloweenOct 02, 2015View