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Displaying 4101-4110 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1656ArticlevkimoSo one kid remained on the loose? I thought you'd be able to squeeze the one kid into giving up some intel on who the other culprit was. Dec 16, 2014View
1657ArticleNLoganWe were lucky to get his name and number he was crying so hard.vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 16, 2014View
1658ArticleVaporman87Sounds like the one who got caught learned a lesson for life. I hate to think what he endured when they got home.vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 16, 2014View
1660ArticleHoju KoolanderYour Christmas tale definitely makes me wish we had an extended family we could visit, but my wife and I are both "stranded in the desert" far away from home. I loved the excitement of family reunions growing up and seeing all the distant relatives I never knew existed. @NLogan That is a pretty great lesson your Dad taught you guys. Your epic story makes me realize I should have involved my Dad when my Star Wars toys got stolen by a neighbor kid and his brother. My Mom just didn't have that intimidation factor.vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 16, 2014View
1661ArticlevkimoThe comments section is kind of making me want to write an article about the time my Pokemon cards got stolen.vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 16, 2014View
1666ArticleVaporman87Oooooh. Do tell. Did anybody get arrested? LOLvkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 16, 2014View
1707ArticleNLoganOne of these days vkimo will be back on the west coast. He will then have access to his childhood pictures again. I hope he chooses to use them in a future article. So that we can finally see the man behind the mask. I know that he is not pictured here because none of these pictures are of his decade. The closest one is 1985 based upon the Transformers Autobot dress up playset pictured. vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 19, 2014View
1708ArticlevkimoThat is become I am an enigma...existing in all time periods, and none. Foreordained to haunt the retro message boards of the land in hopes of keeping my legacy alive. For the moment all cease to recall the name vkimo, I will be doomed to the toy clearance bin of the great beyond and forced to play endless games of Connect Four with Moss Man.vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 19, 2014View
1709ArticleNLoganThere are worse fates. Moss Man at least smells like a pine tree. Your celebrity here on the the retro boards will not be forgotten but could be cemented for ever in the halls of history with a picture to focus on. Think George Washington or Abe Lincoln. Likely no one will forget what Mona Lisa looks like. Your third eye only makes it more memorable and endearing. vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 19, 2014View
1711ArticlevkimoYour double dog dare post is gone, but I accept the challenge none the less.I have one one old picture on my phone that I can find for now. Circa 1992, I'm sporting a 49ers shirt and playing Super Mario on the NES. Notice Batman and Penguin duking it out Rock 'em Sock 'em style. <img src="")</img>vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 19, 2014View