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Displaying 4501-4510 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1257ArticleVaporman87LOL. Yeah, once it hits the ground it's all over for the wall crawler toys. I occasionally come across one that has been forgotten by my kids down behind a sofa or book shelf. And yeah, pictures are recommended (as I found out the hard way over at Retro Junk, lol).  Sep 16, 2014View
1258ArticlefuschniktThanks for the feedback, guys. This was my first upload. In hindsight, I should have maybe staged some photos for illustration purposes. May have also made the story more visually inviting. When I wrote it, I could picture everything happening as it did, I guess I wasn't sure how to present it as an illustrated article knowing I couldn't transcribe the visual memories in my nostalgia lobe. -DGThe Cereal IncidentSep 16, 2014View
1259ArticleVaporman87You mention a mall and some place called Donatelli's near Century College, and say we probably know where that is. LOL. Can't say I do. :)The Cereal IncidentSep 16, 2014View
1261ArticlefuschniktAh, yes. I had originally written this for my friends. I edited some, but left that in. It humored me that obviously nobody would know the place. Maybe should have nixed it. Still humored that you noticed. Thankfully, my Halloween submission is brand new and features nothing obscure like this. That one even has a picture..sort of.The Cereal IncidentSep 16, 2014View
1250ArticleVaporman87LOL. I love the "I just learned to count to 3" gag. I think there is a good variety when it comes to Houses of Haunt, though that depends on where you live. Being here in rural Ohio, your choices are basically corn mazes and more corn mazes, with the occasional school "haunted house" interspersed in there somewhere. As a kid, I was privy to a few school haunted houses, one cub scouts haunted house, and the like. In my twenties and into my early thirties, I got to see some of what was available to the "city folk". One particular event stands out in my mind... a festival of sorts with many different haunted attractions all set up in one place. Each took on a different theme, from a haunted circus to your standard haunted house. Lots of people running around in costume pretending to be after you. It was fun. Sometimes you can catch some good haunted events at the theme parks. Those are usually pretty well done, with a hefty amount of time and money invested in them.Houses of HauntSep 16, 2014View
1253ArticleHoju KoolanderA haunted Circus would actually be pretty frightening and I think I could get some mileage out of a corn maze (more of a novelty to us "city Folk" I guess). I grew up in Southern California but never made it out to Knott's Scary Farm on Halloween. I hear it was pretty awesome getting chased by all the creepers.Houses of HauntSep 16, 2014View
1256ArticleVaporman87Yeah, I hear a lot about Knott's Scary Farm this time of year, and they get some pretty big names in Halloween and Horror to take part in that. That has to be a blast.Houses of HauntSep 16, 2014View
1276ArticleFulton4VOne of our neighbors was always setting up something like a haunted trail that let to their front door. So you had to make it through that to get to their house for the candy. I dont know if somethign like that would go over today or not as kids seem to only want to get the candy as quickly as possible. Houses of HauntSep 18, 2014View
1751ArticleHoju Koolander@Fulton4V Yeah, the kids don't seem to appreciate the production aspect as much, but the parent's sure do. We got a lot of comments at our house this year for our Haunted Graveyard with serial killer motif.Houses of HauntJan 02, 2015View
1237ArticleVaporman87My luck with make-up, prosthetics, and other accessories for Halloween was not good at all. Typically I ended up with something far different than what was pictured on the packaging. That was to be expected though, as the images on the packaging are done by teams of professionals. It's when a single person tries to replicate what a team of people achieved that the person realizes just how futile it is to even try. It didn't take me long to realize that I was best sticking with standard masks and clothing.A Little WitchySep 15, 2014View