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Displaying 4511-4520 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1854VideoVaporman87I'm sorry, but I look at this trailer and all I can see is Jeff Spicoli and The Continental yelling at each other. LOL Jan 30, 2015View
1857ArticleVaporman87If there is one useless thing about my memory, it is that I am almost always right about my recollections of movies, or of certain aspects of them. But not 100% of the time. LOL. For the longest time... and I mean THE LONGEST TIME... I could not, for the life of me, remember what film I had heard the saying, "The quarterback IS toast!" That aggravated me for years. YEARS! I tried attributing it to all sorts of movies, most of them naturally being sports related. But it had nothing at all to do with sports, unless you consider terrorism a sport. The phrase came from the movie "Die Hard", and it was said by a less than memorable character played by Clarence Gilyard Jr. (of Matlock and Walker, Texas Ranger fame). Probably the last movie, and the last movie character I would have ever guessed the phrase came from. LOL.Movie MisunderstandingsJan 30, 2015View
1867ArticleVaporman87I would say I had a pretty extensive collection of all of these items. But, every time I would become bored with any of them, they would be placed in a drawer somewhere and eventually disappear altogether. Even so, I can still feel my hand rubbing a pencil across that molded plastic, and smell the vinyl stickers of the Colorforms. The thing I hated was when the Colorforms had characters in colors that were nowhere near correct (like Rhino in the picture you provided above). Seriously? Was it THAT much more expensive to make him gray? I also attempted to manufacture my own "stencils" for use with the "monster maker" style toys. They never turned out any good though. Still, it was fun to try anyway!Colorforms, Shrinky Dinks, and Monster MakersJan 31, 2015View
1868VideoVaporman87It's okay Caps. I've had that same issue before with Pinnacle software. Not always, but once in a while, for whatever reason, it makes the sound off. Not sure what software you're using, but it looks like a similar issue.Beverly Hills Cop IIIJan 31, 2015View
1874ArticleVaporman87Most of my life was spent BEING the older kid. In my neighborhood, I was the oldest of the kids that spent evenings together playing. Sure, there were older kids than me living there, but they didn't often associate with us. I'm guessing I was probably the same type of kid you describe here as well. I had a lot of cool stuff (I'm not blind to the fact that I had a lot of stuff as a kid) and we had a tree house, large yard, tons of concrete with a basketball hoop, and all the inside goodies too. Truth be told though, I preferred being the "visitor" as opposed to being the "visited". Unlike most kids, I didn't enjoy being the kid that other kids were jealous of. I liked visiting the houses of others and being in their element. I felt welcomed and appreciated there, whereas at home, I might tend to feel used. The Older KidFeb 02, 2015View
1877ArticleVaporman87I think I could deal with the younger kids because I actually could relate better with them. Sure, my main "clique" of friends were my age, but my younger friends and I were on the same level as far as our interests and imaginations. The Older KidFeb 03, 2015View
1879ArticleVaporman87You've really hit a groove now fuschnikt. Great read! This had to have been a great birthday part. Dino Riders were really cool toys. It was a toy line that I always wished I had more of. My brother actually had several, and we would play with them extensively when the mood struck us. Boglins were another property I had none of. But my friend's Boglin made it's way into at least one of our homemade movies. LOL. I have no doubt that our investigative members can find out what some of those other goodies are. Surprise Party! : 1987Feb 03, 2015View
1880ArticleVaporman87I forgot to mention that you should try recording those Dino Riders ads off and get them uploaded to the site. I don't think we have much Dino Riders video content.Surprise Party! : 1987Feb 03, 2015View
1883ArticleVaporman87Cool. That'd be great pika. Surprise Party! : 1987Feb 04, 2015View
1888ArticleVaporman87Ha! What a story. That is just cruel of your brother. I feel so bad for the young you, lying in bed, scared to death of your fate. Sadly, it is this type of thing that turns people away from most Christian denominations, and religion altogether. They don't like the idea of the slightest wrong doing damning them to a life in H-E-double hockey sticks (LOL). The truth is far more complicated than that, and likely none of us truly know it fully. But how could a child possibly understand that? That is why, unlike my parents, I do not wish for my kids to hear the "fire and brimstone" sermons. They can't comprehend it, and it will only make their life miserable at a time when they need to be loving it. No pastor or laymen is our judge, and nothing they say is infallible. Such things must be discovered and dealt with at a more appropriate age, and through their own research and contemplation. I don't want my kids scared into my religion. I want them to choose. Naturally, I want them to choose a certain path, but I can't allow them to be coerced by fear or guilt. That won't lead to a full or rich experience at all. Of course, they WILL deal with fear and guilt. But they must be able to comprehend a much larger picture. And right now, they can't. Anyway, on a lighter note, I LOVE the captions to the pictures! LOL. "there IS the matter of this 'thumb' thing". Awesome.This Is Why I'm Going To HellFeb 05, 2015View