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Displaying 4821-4830 of 5264 results.
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3023ArticleVaporman87Ha! That is an awesome story. And only we here know the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I'm glad that the whole incident didn't end your burgeoning relationship with Sarah (curious... did you ever confess to her of your repeatedly listening to Starship's "Sara"? - Come on... you know you did that!). <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I have little doubt that all of us have had similar events occur in which we got away with our lie and never confessed the truth to anyone. Unfortunately for those like me, terrible liars, those are few and far between. Oct 27, 2015View
3024VideoVaporman87If yours didn't change you into a cartoon character then you got ripped off. I was constantly He-Man in mine.Underoos CommercialOct 27, 2015View
3018ArticleVaporman87I definitely shared your fear of blinds (and still do). I hate the idea of somebody out in the dark being able to plainly view me in the light. So I typically try to turn off any lights at night in rooms that aren't being used. Hairs, strings, grass, anything in a tub bothered me (and still does). I NEVER take baths, and I HATE swimming for this reason. I don't like floating in my own filth, let alone a bunch of other peoples'. Nope. I'm strictly a shower only person. Some other fears of mine in childhood included the attic. The attic in our home had only one entry/exit... the closet in MY bedroom. So naturally when I heard anything, from the house settling to mice doing what they do up there, I was certain something was making it's way into my closed closet, just waiting to spring forth and do me in. I also feared our garage level floor. Our house had four levels; The basement, the garage/family room/wash room level, the main level, and the upstairs where our bedrooms were. The garage/family room level frightened me whenever I was alone there. At one end of the family room was the entrance to the wash room and a complete bathroom which was RARELY used. I always envisioned something with lightning speed popping out from the wash room area and following me up the flight of stairs that led to the main level. So much so, that I routinely had nightmares about it. It still creeps me out now just thinking about it.Childhood FearsOct 26, 2015View
3041ArticleVaporman87I would say I was equally fascinated and disturbed by Beetlejuice when I saw it in theaters the first time. I had not seen a Tim Burton film up to that point (had anybody?) and so this was a whole different kooky and crazy world filled with odd characters and beautiful but dark set pieces. I loved the movie though. The cartoon and merchandise did not interest me as much. I did catch episodes of the cartoon, but was not "hooked", and I never owned any Beetlejuice merchandise. With rumors swirling around about a sequel these past couple of years, my appreciation for the original has increased. I do hope a sequel eventually makes it to the screen, but could it possibly match the novelty or creativity of the first? Beetlejuice BonanzaOct 28, 2015View
3051ArticleVaporman87That was the same guy?! I loved the MST3K Zombie Nightmare episode! Hilarious! And yeah, Tia Carrere in an early film appearance was kinda strange to see. And Adam West just pretty much "called it in" on that movie.Heavy Metal-Sploitation Part 3Oct 30, 2015View
3052ArticleVaporman87What a great list! The Beach Boys are one of those bands that transcends time and changing sounds. They're one of the greatest bands of all time in my opinion. Anyone of any taste in music can find at least one song of theirs that they find appealing, and that's hard to accomplish. Thanks for this Poshy.Top 10 Beach Boys SongsOct 30, 2015View
3054ArticleVaporman87What an epic rundown! I can SOOOO relate to your thoughts here, as I too was finding myself "back into" wrestling around this time, and it was mostly a result of the AKI games. To this day, I still don't believe there is any better gameplay system for wrestling games than that achieved by AKI. The grapple system was just superior, and easy to use. Maybe the graphics were a bit less realistic, but each wrestler had that "He-Man" feel, where each was molded from the same basic body (though height and weight were still represented), and that gave the game a cohesive look. once No Mercy came out, they had really pushed it to the limit and made the fun of playing a very long lasting experience. I loved creating my own wrestler, intro, and move set, and then taking that character from zero to hero. But it was also fun to just use them in crazy match types and watch the chaos ensue. I know for a fact that when you got four people together in the room playing each other, crazy things would happen that would make you laugh so hard your sides hurt. So much fun. We actually owned a device for the N64 that allowed us to play Japanese releases, and one of those releases was Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 (the Japanese counterpart of WCW/nWo World Tour). There were subtle differences in some of the characters, moves, and such, but the biggest difference was the roster selection. It included American and Japanese wrestling legends, and that made it very cool. You could also change and customize wrestlers' attire, which you could not do until later releases in America. <img src="/images/postImages/1446222908Virtual Pro Wrestling 64.png">A Look Back at the Nintendo 64 Wrestling GamesOct 30, 2015View
3061ArticleVaporman87My parents were not concerned with what I watched growing up, so long as they knew it didn't contain nudity. And even so, I still somehow managed to see the occasional slip of some skin in some major film releases. And today, I don't see that as a good thing. In fact, it's pretty disappointing to me that my parents didn't care enough to restrict what I was seeing. Maybe some think that they really had it made if they shared a similar childhood stripped of too many restrictions on movies. But I don't feel that way. I feel like my parents neglected to attempt to teach me some very important lessons that arise from watching certain things. In short, I didn't (and in some ways, still don't) feel like I was important enough to them to make an effort. Now that I'm a father, I make every attempt to avoid watching rated R movies. The only exposure to questionable content that I have allowed myself to experience has been in the form of games, like Watchdogs and Fallout 3. And even then, I hate that I have to see and hear certain things in order to enjoy the games as a whole. I want my kids to grow up knowing that I cared enough to restrict what they saw, because I wanted them protected and wanted them to make adult choices when it comes to what they see. There are certain things that kids are responsible enough to make choices with, but film choice is not among them. Given too much freedom, bad choices will eventually be made and their mental and emotional health can suffer. I know mine did. I was more frightened and confused as a child than I could have been, many times because of things I watched. Had I not seen certain things, I know that I would have felt less nervous and concerned about death and sexuality. I'm not going to allow that to happen to my own children.Rated R for RADNov 02, 2015View
3064ArticleVaporman87This is a really great list. All of these characters would fit perfectly in a Halloween-themed comic extravaganza together. I especially like that Ghost Rider is number one, considering he is my SECOND favorite comic book character behind Iron Man (and before I catch any slack for that, I've been an Iron Man fan since the mid-80's, so I liked him LONG before it was cool to). I know when I think Halloween, the Green Goblin and Hobgoblin also fit right in there. I mean... they use "pumpkin bombs"! Thanks for giving us one last taste of Halloween this season!My Top 5 Halloween Ready Super HeroesNov 02, 2015View
3066ArticleVaporman87Oh yeah! Grundy and Blade would have also been pretty appropriate. And Werewolf By Night, though he's a bit too direct a copy of traditional Halloween monsters.My Top 5 Halloween Ready Super HeroesNov 02, 2015View