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Displaying 4831-4840 of 5264 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1466ArticleNLogan@Vapor your buddy the creeper can say,"I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those pesky rules." If they don't let him into a party or something because of the mask. Seems like masks aren't allowed nearly anywhere now a days. Can't where them to school, dances, etc. Oct 20, 2014View
1312ArticleNLogan@Vapor the only contribution to motu that I ever did was to piss off the serious collectors by swiping their photos of the figures for my retro junk article. That and cause them to scratch thier heads at the few errors that crept in because of lack of proof reading. They didn't understand that I couldn't just go back and creditthem because the article had been submitted. I tried in the comments but they thought that was half-assed. I pegged you f2f or a motu man when I saw the books in the point store.KIDS, Incorporated: Dreams Come TrueSep 23, 2014View
1944ArticleNLogan@vapor the irony is that it was my vote that did it. In the good old days of Retro*Junk it wasn't about the votes at all it was about sharing all of the oh yeah I totally remember that things that you had come across as an adult that sparked that nostalgia feeling and brought back childhood for a brief moment. I had already submitted my article that won the contest before even knowing the was a contest. We all just were trying to stir up those feelings until the popularity contest got involved. Remembering RetroJunkFeb 10, 2015View
3616ArticleNLogan@Vapor the aluminium was thin and flexible. I suppose it would be possible to cut oneself if you got the right angle but I don't remember it ever being a problem. @Vkimo chocolate for the win! @sock thanks! I didn't know they re-released it.NLogan's Christmas at Grandma's HouseDec 20, 2016View
1465ArticleNLogan@Vapor that is awesome. I love Scooby doo I have all the seasons. The creeper and the no face phantom were my favorites. Pikachu has the right idea, wear something you are comfortable with or something original or creative like her drawings. If you're not having fun there is no point in dressing up. Frilly and ScaryOct 20, 2014View
1884Articlefuschnikt@Vapor Thanks! It means a lot! Truly! I'd love to see one of these Boglin videos someday. I'll see what I can do with the video. I'm not very technically astute. @Hoju I think my Boglin probably meet the same ultimate fate as yours. Fragile creatures in the hands off young children. As for the birthday question..I wish I could tell you. I know I had parties before. I've seen photos. But I was just turning four, so I'm sure calendars were meaningless to me. I still can't explain how nobody would have clued me in. Maybe they did and I was just to busy doing kid things to take heed? @Pika I never had any Ponies or Care Bears. I did have a Cabbage Patch though. For some time I carried him around just like Buddy in the commercials. He was my My Buddy. Surprise Party! : 1987Feb 04, 2015View
4468Articlepikachulover@Vapor I was having a hard time thinking of a title for this and I didn't want a generic title like "Sea World Trip" or something like that. @Superman Those shows are fun too bad people don't really like them anymore. Manatee GenitaliaJun 19, 2018View
3711Articlejkatz@Vapor I like to think of the crash as a continuity-erasing "Crisis"...and looks like Dr. T is now part of the canon again!Dr. Timewarp Returns: 80's Drug Store ShoppingJan 30, 2017View
4793ArticleNLogan@Vapor I know right? Regular access to skateparks, the helmet and knee pads allowed my brother to do insane things that we shunned or only dreamed of due to instinct of bodily preservation. My boys have boards but since we live on the foothills of the mountains don't skate much. Too steep. They play video games instead. @vkimo Whoa! Brother a pro skater that is rad! My little brother played THPS to death and unlocked everything. I managed to finish a few boards. Can you find my board that was stolen from me? Thanks in advance!Skate or Die GenerationJan 14, 2019View
1940ArticleNLogan@Vapor I also disliked the backpage. It is already inherent in the popular just on the other end of the spectrum. I didn't like missing articles all together that were instantly voted down as they were posted because the user was disliked in the forums by a select few. There were some articles that never got a chance and that probably influenced a few to never write articles or never write an article again. Remembering RetroJunkFeb 10, 2015View