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Displaying 4881-4890 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1348ArticleVaporman87@pikachulover: Somehow I am seeing that mixture of water and Playdoh as coming out looking like the dinner served in Better Off Dead... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Sep 30, 2014View
2891ArticleVaporman87@pikachulover: Me too, but unfortunately my house is not really big enough for something like that. Maybe an outside party would work, since we have our new deck. Then it would be a matter of getting enough people to come at the same time. Ghoulish EatsOct 13, 2015View
3287ArticleMissM@pikachulover- Tell me about it! Lady Lovelylocks are so hard to find in decent condition. I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but her legs have splotchy coloring on them. Other than that she is in great condition. @Vaporman87- Wasn't it so cool back in the day how Playmates would make so many different toy lines and they all fit together? You are right, Toxie would have fit in perfectly with a TMNT line. I miss those toy lines. And thank you, I was really excited to find these items throughout the past year. Hope you two have both been doing well!Miss M's Top 10 Retro Toys of 2015!Jan 20, 2016View
3459Articlemickyarber@pikachulover you're exactly right. They were both fantastic IN RING story tellers. They knew how to read and respond to an audience. And another thing they had in common with all of the other one on one matchups on my list....they were well defined characters. You knew what there motivations were, you knew who THEY were. You cared about one or the other or both for a reason. That is sorely lacking in the product of today. Just as examples off my head....why should I care about Neville? He does some flashy moves, but what are his motivations? Who is he? Other than him being a wrestler with a few flashy moves, what is there about him that I should be able to relate to? There is not any time given anymore to character depth and development. My Favorite WrestleMania Matches of All TimeMar 16, 2016View
1334ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover Wow, That's awesome! The clearance aisle was a favorite of mine too. If I had lived that close to TRU I would have been there every day after school hassling the employees about the latest X-Men figures in person, rather than on the phone.Timewarp: Toys R Us 1987Sep 25, 2014View
2657Articlekidcoffee@pikachulover they're the best!!! I think my mom had a similar rule, but she let it slide during the Halloween season. Either that or I just didn't listen. Looking back now I am thinking it was probably more of the latter, but I digress. Mellowcreme Pumpkins just screamed to be played with. They still do. Of course I think you're onto something with the resin...muahahaha. Oh this season will be fun indeed!!! @onipar Thank you for the kind words. How could one not get a little mischievous this time of year. The air itself calls for a bit of madness. As for turning yourself into a giant mutant candy corn I'm not sure which is crazier that or the fact I will one day soon(when funds prevail) be joining your army proudly. Mellowcreme MadnessSep 17, 2015View
1557ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover The Oliver and Company Happy Meal toys nearly made it into this adventure. For such a mediocre movie they really pushed it hard with not 1, but 2 appearances in 1988. I had both the plastic figures and the plush Christmas tree ornaments. Timewarp: McDonald's 1988Dec 01, 2014View
1476ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover The idea of doing the nice clown and evil clown in succession is awesome. I agree the the sexy costumes have become so overdone, that they actually produce the opposite effect, they're boring. Much more impressive to me is when someone really works on the details and character, even if the costume is not the best in terms of construction. Their commitment to the concept makes all the difference. Frilly and ScaryOct 21, 2014View
1421ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover That's crazy. All those trips to the Halloween Haunt, I thought for sure you would have had some sort of annual pass to Movieland Wax Museum. Chupacapra by the train tracks sounds like a great legend. Were there any goats there for him to snack on or just McNuggets? @NLogan I only know the Marvel comics version of Wendigo who fought the Hulk (and Wolverine in his first appearance), I'll have to check out the original version. My favorite was always "The Ghost with the Bloody Fingers". Nice list of wax memories, I remember being impressed that Michael Jackson had a whole room devoted to himself with a figure in his "Bad" outfit and they played his music videos from that album on a loop.Scary Stories from the SchoolyardOct 13, 2014View
2611ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover Tell me about Berry Bears, that's a brand I never encountered.Fruit SnacksSep 05, 2015View