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Displaying 4901-4910 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1812ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover I guess I should have collaborated with you for more personal photographic evidence of the event. At least Gadget got her own ride once Toontown opened, what a tribute! I didn't remember the stamp on the map deal, sounds cool. I definitely was watching The Disney Afternoon on KCAL 9, I think I linked to that special. Was it the one with the Olsen Twins? @Vaporman87 I have found evidence on YouTube that Disney World had a Disney Afternoon stage show at Mickey's Starland, but no mention of the Avenue and ride conversions. @thecrow174 Another great observation. I guess futuristic surfboards aren't very fitting for the timeframe either, but they probably knew they had to give kids someone to identify with, despite looking like he came from a totally different series. Jan 18, 2015View
3812ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover Hey, good to hear from you, it's been a while. Glad to know someone else enjoyed the fun of the Hi-C promotion. I totally forgot about the character profiles. If my purchase hadn't been a one time deal to get the Hero Caps, I'm sure I would still be hanging on to those cut out cards.90's X-Men Food AdsMar 31, 2017View
1745ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover and thecrow174 Disney Adventures is definitely worthy of its own article, I had quite a stack of them myself. @Vaporman87 Those MOTU paintings were always amazing to see. Kind of like Alex Ross did to comic book characters, it really brought Eternia to life. I bought Cracked religiously from 1990-1993, MAD always seemed too "smart" for me. I love the website for what it is (their podcast is pretty great too), but they don't even reference Sylvester P. Smythe or Spies and Sabs anywhere! A missed opportunity.Kids Magazines of the 90sDec 30, 2014View
5207ArticleBenjanime@pikachulover despite the high prices they wanted for DVDs and tapes, i honestly miss it. i know some stores might still exist but the one in my area closed down around 2004 i think.Making the anime nerd transitionMay 18, 2020View
1914Articlevkimo@Pika - You're thinking of ilikehthepixiesRemembering RetroJunkFeb 09, 2015View
1330Articlevkimo@Pika Now that I think about it, you were only allowed to be nude through one of the haunted houses, but still.A Haunting ExperienceSep 25, 2014View
5301ArticleMr Magic@onipar: With pleasure! :)The Halloween Wayback MachineOct 07, 2020View
2777Articlekidcoffee@onipar It really was. I would have much preferred a well meaning neighbor to have chased me with a chainsaw, but no dice. I got stuck with Momma. Thankfully though, despite her best efforts, she did not break my Halloween spirit. Thwarted it a bit that year, but I bounced back. Also thank you for the kind words.UnmaskedOct 05, 2015View
2531ArticleHoju Koolander@onipar Actually, I just found a "video game bar" out here in Arizona that has that exact set-up. You must have willed it into existence!A New Kind of ArcadeAug 16, 2015View
5586ArticleBenjanime@onipar video games were mandatory for me really, even in high school i needed them to cope with what was going on in my life at the time, so i'm glad i could keep getting consoles as the years rolled by, i just wish they didn't have to get replaced to have the money for more.Super Smash Bros. Melee: Star Studded SequelJan 15, 2022View