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vkimo's Christmas Special


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Displaying 4941-4950 of 5264 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3607ArticleVaporman87Thanks for this nice little review of the people and events that shaped Christmas into what it is today. I think we hear or read bits and pieces of this type of info from time to time, but rarely does any of us have the time or inclination to research the whole history. This is a nice way to discover that without having to devote a lot of time and attention to it. Great stuff. Dec 20, 2016View
3608ArticleVaporman87I have a feeling most of us have stories that would fit right in with the theme of this article. For myself, the first thing that comes to mind is that every year I asked for a golf cart, and every year I was disappointed. LOL. I wanted a golf cart to drive up and down the neighborhood in. I used to think it would be so incredibly cool. The closest I ever got was a four wheeler, and that's just not the same. I also wanted the U.S.S. Flagg, and never got that either. Nor did I get the Eternia playset. So yeah, I was disappointed a few times on Christmas. And man, can I relate to your feelings about extended family gifts. They are usually such "throw away" items that there doesn't even seem to be a point in opening them. Christmas 64Dec 20, 2016View
3609ArticleVaporman87This was a very touching story. I'm glad you shared it with us Supes. I'm glad you still got to build that snowman, even though it was with your mother. It still made a lasting impression on you and your Christmases from then on. The First Snowman I Ever BuiltDec 20, 2016View
3610ArticleVaporman87It's weird to see Howey Mandel as that character, but that casting actually makes sense to me. He is good at that sort of manic, off beat weirdo. It's kind of neat that you have made a tradition out of your favorite show. Christmas with SupermanDec 20, 2016View
3641ArticleVaporman87These concert experience articles were a lot of fun. I'm glad they are back up on the site again!90's Concert Experiences Part 1Dec 31, 2016View
3642ArticleVaporman87Another Hoju classic that I'm glad to see back up again.Family Road TripsDec 31, 2016View
3643ArticleVaporman87Before the disastrous server screw up with KnownHost, there was a forum thread in which I ranted about the new comic. I too am a big M.A.S.K. fan (probably my favorite toy line/cartoon of the past, second only to Masters of the Universe. I was anticipating a revival of everything familiar, only to see that a lot of things had been changed. I think the straw that broke the camel's back for me was changing Matt Trakker into an African-American. If the writers wanted to make the property more diverse, more power to them. But do it with a NEW character! Don't go making major changes to the old ones. Make your new leader a disciple of the original Matt Trakker, or a friend... or anything but the actual Matt Trakker! Understand that my sense of aversion to these types of changes are heightened because of the world we live in now, with it's precious snowflake infested safe spacer political correctness running amok. Not to mention I found this out around the same time I was finding out that Iron Man was now a young woman of color. What?! So yeah, the changes that were made to the characters and their stories/motivations were too great for me to overcome, and in my view totally unnecessary (kinda like an all female Ghostbusters movie).The Rebirth of M.A.S.K. and the Nostalgia StruggleDec 31, 2016View
3658ArticleVaporman87Glad to see this one back on the site. It was a great look into the life behind the counter. It was sad to see the last of our local rental stores close up just recently. I don't know of any anywhere local now.The Video Store ClerkJan 03, 2017View
3659ArticleVaporman87It seems every Weird Al fan but me has actually seen him perform!90's Concert Experiences Part 1Jan 03, 2017View
3671ArticleVaporman87Another of my favorites that I'm glad has made the journey back to the site. So much about this I relate to.Retro Recess RowdinessJan 06, 2017View