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Displaying 5181-5190 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5194ArticleVaporman87@vkimo: I don't think so. It's possible they've done it as a Rifftrax release, but I'm pretty sure it was never riffed on via MST3K. May 05, 2020View
5204ArticleVaporman87I must once again confess that I have not seen The Wizard. It's another film on my long list of '80s/'90s films that I hope to watch one day.The WizardMay 14, 2020View
5209ArticleVaporman87Epic tale of childhood brazenness as only vkimo could tell it. Who knew that a boy scout like vkimo, with his flag shorts and leather fascination, could be so mischievous? I was never inclined or brave enough to skip school for any period of time, though I did spend a few afternoons here and there "skipping" recess. LOL. A group of friends and I called ourselves C.Y.G.A. (Citizens and Young Guardian Avengers)... don't ask. Our mission in the later years of elementary school? To NOT go outside and play when everyone else did for recess. Yeah. We would stay behind and wander the halls of the elementary school trying not to get caught by the teachers and staff. Daring isn't it?Playing HookyMay 19, 2020View
5220ArticleVaporman87@Daddymus Prime: That's hilarious! I used to put my Information Society album in there. LOLRemembering Teddy RuxpinJul 03, 2020View
5249ArticleVaporman87Ha! This was so great. I love that you compared the end of Summer to a starving cannibal! ROFL! Well done, sir. Truly a fitting tribute to all of the Summer finales we have all experienced. Definitely rings true for me.Summer's EndAug 26, 2020View
5259ArticleVaporman87We always returned to school the third or final week of August. I know this because the County Fair was the “last hurrah” of Summer for us (and was held the second week of August) and we would see kids from school there knowing that we’d be seeing them again in just a week or two.Summer's EndSep 01, 2020View
5260ArticleVaporman87I rarely got in trouble. But I did get hurt doing stupid stuff. Like going down into the woods and swinging from vines, only to lose my grip and land on my back -- knocking the wind out of me real good. My step-brother at that time had an accident on that same vine. On the back-swing, he smashed into another tree, right in the groin. Ouch. He had to have stitches even. Couldn't wear underwear for a week or two. Then there were our numerous crashes riding a wagon down the hill leading to our houses. Risky business: Summer activitiesSep 04, 2020View
5261ArticleVaporman87It was the beginning of the "gross out" market! Slime, hideous toys, etc. were everywhere by the mid-80s. But yeah... I think of slime, I think of the Slime Pit for sure.For the Love of SlimeSep 04, 2020View
5264ArticleVaporman87Just exploring like usual. Risky business: Summer activitiesSep 04, 2020View
5278ArticleVaporman87Hahahaha! This is sooooo awesome. I was doing this very kind of thing in my high school days! And like you, I still have all of it. I did everything from creating activity books based on a student we were pretty sure was a satanist, to comic books about a teacher of ours who killed the other teachers in superhero-style battles. Halloween Is in My BloodSep 23, 2020View