What's that old saying, "you don't know what you've got, til it's Gone".

Welcome to "The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty", Saturday mornings on NBC - 1975. Each episode involves Waldo, his girlfriend Felicia and the bulldog bully Tyrone.  Other characters make guest appearances, like Waldo's best friend Sparrow and Tyrone's groupie's, the Three Dog Pack.

Live action sequences open and close each episode involving Felicia under threat by Tyrone. Waldo imagines himself as a superhero, defeating Tyrone and saving Felicia - all in his imagination. 

Waldo dreams up heros like, The Lone Kitty, Catzan and Captain Hurk of the Starship Second Prize. My favorite is Catman and Sparrow. That take on Tyrone the bulldog as "The Poochquin" - clever huh?