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A Closer Look At: Nickellennium




      A new year has come and a new decade to boot, and as it chugs along I thought to look back at a bit of Nickelodeon history that seemed a bit forgotten, Nickelennium. 


     Nickellennium was an event that ran on January 1st 2000 to celebrate the new millennium. How was it celebrated? For the whole day they played a five hour documentary based on kids and what they look forward to the most in the new millennium with no ads or shows playing. This was sprinkled with music videos through out late 1999 until the January 1st 2000 air date. 

     The ads for this even had a bit more meaning to them than their usual goofy, wacky style that they were known for back then, while some did keep that style to them, most were meant to be hopeful and inspirational. The sound of hums and hims with soft music playing through the ads make that feeling happen. 


     The music videos that played throughout late 1999 were more upbeat and played off of the hopeful tone as the songs play, video of kids playing and smiling are seen and some tell of their hopes and dreams for the future. 

     The documentary itself brings the theme full circle as it shows kids talking about what to expect from the future such as predictions, hope, dreams, and what they think life will bring in the new millennium. The documentary also had the music videos mentioned earlier sprinkled through out. It also showed cultures from around the world.


     The event itself was received as 'It was boring' from a majority of kids and looking back at it and watching what I could, I can see why. There was nothing to keep a kid's attention. Watching it as an adult though, while still nothing there to keep one's attention, the message and meaning is clear. It's the universal hope for peace and prosperity. 

     While the start of the Nickellennium more stumbled in execution, the build up and the message of it was done well though and as an adult it is clear that message was about the youthful hopes and dreams for a better world. Keep those hopes with you, they can come in handy in the future, and remember to live life and live nostalgic. 



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Benjanime Posted on Apr 18, 2020 at 02:41 AM

being on the autism spectrum i still show signs of childlike qualities, i like collecting toy figures, something that my older siblings have grown out of since their teens. though, it's more of an emphasis on collecting than playing with. i don't have any other family members or friends that take this same particular interest, so i guess this sets a good example that my childhood has been reflected into my adulthood.

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