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Displaying 251-260 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2039ArticleHoju Koolander@massreality I really appreciate your perspective in the discussion, such interesting experiences. I always wondered how my friends dealt with those moves, I see how that struggle to connect without any hope of long-term friendships could be rough. On the other hand, life on base sounds pretty amazing. I wish my friends had invited me over to the movie screenings, that's a sweet deal! And those final days in the abandoned base must have been amazing. Feb 22, 2015View
2628ArticleHoju Koolander@massreality I think "Fruit Snakes" was a missed opportunity for Betty Crocker ;)Fruit SnacksSep 09, 2015View
2726Articlepikachulover@massreality once some of my neighbors did that years later, but they were dumb and came in the same costume. I would have give them some cheap candy if they would have put some effort into changing into a different costume or something. We Got the Good StuffSep 29, 2015View
2514Articlemunkysrench@massreality Thanks!The Cereal Box in the ClosetAug 13, 2015View
3412ArticleRick Ace Rhodes@massreality True, but I feel like their consoles haven't been up to par for years now. They might have the money, but I honestly get the feeling if they don't get their act together on the consoles their more then likely to drop them and port all their licensed characters else well.Encountering The JaguarMar 01, 2016View
2474ArticleHoju Koolander@massreality Wow, that's a great twist. Your Mom became the martial arts master. That's so cool.The Karate Class KidAug 07, 2015View
2240ArticleHoju Koolander@massreality yeah, I remember there being a Darkman connection there somewhere.Kenner Action Toy Guide '94May 06, 2015View
3485ArticleHoju Koolander@massreality You had the same dilemma? That's comforting and disturbing for both of us. I never thought of the "sophisticated" toy angle, but you're right, it would have been a completely mature purchase to make. It wasn't like it was a Polly Pocket, that's kid's stuff.Childhood Embarrassment 9021-D'oh!Mar 24, 2016View
3315ArticleHoju Koolander@massreality You're right, I totally spaced on Ecto-1 since I wasn;t thinking about the animated series. Now that I think about it, Inspector Gadget's GadgetMobile was pretty awesome too, so it gets a runner-up prize.5 Best TV Cars of the 80sFeb 05, 2016View
2234ArticleVaporman87@massreality: Agreed. Those are the types of movies that should be the target of the "reboot". Those that just kind of flew under the radar and never gained traction the first go around.Kenner Action Toy Guide '94Apr 29, 2015View