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Displaying 1-10 of 5284 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5801Article  Hello, I liked your article about these clothes. Regarding this topic, I am looking for specific information about the Jem Sportswear brand clothing from the 1993 Mutant Gear collection. In what month did they start selling? Thanks for your attention.90's Marvel T-Shirt Ads Part 1Jun 12, 2024View
3980Articlelissaschmucker This was so much fun to read.Top 30 Cars & Trucks from 80s Movies & TVJul 05, 2017View
5025ArticleRaelgoth I can totally relate to this. It's good that you don't blame your parents, though I probably would. Growing up mentally is hard enough as it is. Having something physical added to that can make it super-difficult at times. I'm assuming that you embraced and learned from your experiences, aren't an axe-murderer and that you did in fact turn out ok.... which is very cool.Being An 80's and 90's Fat Kid Part 1 Aug 29, 2019View
4699ArticleMr Magic Al Bundy as St. Nick was neat.Favorite Movie and TV SantasDec 08, 2018View
389Videoarizvega:)The Invasion of Nintendo - SNES PromoFeb 20, 2013View
518Videoarizvega:)Pringles Ad (1995)Mar 23, 2013View
543Videoarizvega:)Toys 'R Us-I Don't Want To Grow UpMar 27, 2013View
597Videoarizvega:)Pooch PatrolApr 30, 2013View
941Articlearizvega:) Have a Plush Christmas!Jan 07, 2014View
435Videoarizvega:) Casper Casper the Friendly Ghost - There's Good Boos Tonight (1948)Feb 23, 2013View