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Displaying 251-260 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
856ArticlevkimoHaha nice article! I had/have a few of these. The ghost came with the Knights Castle set, which was basically the premiere Lego castle at the time. I have the Paradisa set at home and it acts as a Zen Garden of sorts for me because anytime I'm stressed I just look at it and imagine I'm there. Nov 13, 2013View
857ArticleFulton4VThese are so cool. I had bunch of the regular sets and a couple of specialty sets. Then they got sold a one my moms many yard sales. I wasnt playing much with them but man I wish I had them now. Everything uses special pieces now. Not like it used to be where you just had to build it from regular blocks no matter what it was.Miss M’s Top 10 Lego Minifigures!Nov 14, 2013View
858ArticleMissMThanks for the comments! I am glad this was a fun read for you all. Fulton, you are so right. Everything requires special bricks now for sets. It is so frustrating at times to finish a set if the pieces are missing. It's always that random piece too! vkimo, I am so glad you mentioned the Paradisa set! I loved that series so much. I wish I could transport myself to those sets all the time. lol And Vaporman, Lego has been evolving their minifigures for quite some time. The pirate really showed off just how creative that could be. I forgot to mention that the pirate minifigures were the first to really sport different facial expressions through the use of beards and facial hair. It is all so interesting and fun. Miss M’s Top 10 Lego Minifigures!Nov 15, 2013View
859ArticleVaporman87Just reading about your experiences with Children's Palace makes me wish there had been one here in our area during my youth. The closest thing we had for the longest time was Kay-Bee Toys in the mall. Toys 'R Us didn't come around until later for us. I can only imagine the grief I would have given my parents to take me to a Children's Palace. The long commercial segment was awesome. There were several toys in there that I have no memory of ever seeing. Things like the Motor Mouth board game, and the Tiger piano game... great stuff. I really could have done without the curly haired "comedian/rapper" guy though. LOL Great fun Miss M. Thanks for this.Children's Palace Was RealNov 16, 2013View
860ArticleVaporman87I don't remember ever being that big on the minifigures. I think my time spent with Legos was focused on trying to figure out new ways to build whatever it was I wanted to build. Doing it with just the standard blocks was a challenge for a kid, but I like giving it a shot.Miss M’s Top 10 Lego Minifigures!Nov 16, 2013View
861ArticleSegaFanaticIntresting. I only had Toys R Us, which was fine, but I wish there were more options. Thanks for the article, I really enjoyed it!Children's Palace Was RealNov 17, 2013View
862ArticleThe Trash ManChildren's Palace was owned and operated by Child World, which was a chain of toy stores that was founded in Avon, MA. Right around the corner from where I grew up [and still currently live]. My friend and I were reminiscing about our local Child World just the other day while we were at the mall it used to be part of. Their panda bear mascot meant more to my childhood than any Geoffrey the Giraffe ever could.Children's Palace Was RealNov 18, 2013View
863ArticleMissMVaporman- I believe there was only one Children's Palace by us, it moved twice before closing down completely. It's so sad, because it was truly a great place. I gave my parents a great deal of grief for sure! lol And yeah, the comedian/rapper guy was a bit much. lol SegaFanatic- Yeah, I think it was important for there to have been more options. I wish there were now, but I guess all the options have moved to the Internet. Glad you enjoyed this! Trash Man- Oh my goodness, thank you for this comment! I had no idea about the origins of Children's Palace. I feel like there was a Child World at one of the nearby malls when I was little, but I vaguely recall it. I mostly just remember Children's Palace. Thank you for this comment! I had no idea. Children's Palace Was RealNov 19, 2013View
864ArticleVaporman87LOL. That was funny. "I think I'm going to throw up." I have those Toy Biz figures of Jill and Chris (and some others) still in sealed on the card. Yes, the Palisades figures were superior in sculpt and paint application, but these were the first RE figures widely released here in America. Funny stuff Miss M. :)Toy Talk with Miss M- Episode 2!Nov 19, 2013View
865ArticleMissMOh goodness those Palisades figures were top notch weren't they? I miss that toy company so much. They really made some amazing stuff. I have more RE stuff from Toy Biz but I thought I'd save it for another post one day. lol This one ended up becoming longer than I had expected. lol Toy Talk with Miss M- Episode 2!Nov 19, 2013View