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Displaying 271-280 of 5258 results.
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878ArticleMissMI know! I love that McDonalds play set, especially because something like that would just never be found in stores today. And the Herself the Elf toys really do look like Strawberry Shortcake, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was like you and your sister, I would just cut out or draw on things to make them homes for people and stuff. lol I had some MOTU stuff growing up, but I mostly had the POP stuff. The toy lines were just so amazing. I'm glad you were also able to recognize and share some memories of these items. I also am glad you have an affinity for catalogs! I don't collect a lot of them, but I do have some. It is crazy because some catalogs can get really pricey! Just unbelievable. I hope you had a really nice Thanksgiving Vaporman! Talk to you later! Dec 01, 2013View
879ArticleVaporman87I have been at that place you are now. Where you feel like, there is still magic in Christmas, but it's getting harder and harder to find it. But I'm here to tell you to just be patient, because that magic comes rushing back... when you have children of your own. Sure, it's a lot more work, and the perspective is reversed... but watching the smiles on the faces of my kids and just enjoying all the great things about the season with them, it brings all that magic back... in adult form. Just you wait and see. ThatDude's Christmas MemoriesDec 05, 2013View
880ArticleVaporman87Doesn't it seem sad to think that a franchise like McDonald's offering books in their Happy Meals is "newsworthy"? I'm mean, what do we expect anymore? What WILL we expect in the future? Will Happy Meals have to come with iPhone cases or some other "tech" crap? Now, for Taco Bell to offer ANY toy or prize seems peculiar, simply because you see so little of that from them these days. The last thing I remember getting there was a Godzilla (American '98 version) cup holder for your car (remember the "Here lizard, lizard, lizard." ads with the dog?). Literary Classics at Taco BellDec 05, 2013View
881ArticleBenjanimesomething tells me that this was their own way of having kids focus more in school with english than to give out the usual toys. nowadays this probably wouldn't be likely to work much due to kids playing games on tablets and playing with other gadgets. great history here overall!Literary Classics at Taco BellDec 05, 2013View
884ArticleMissMMerry Christmas to you too! I enjoyed reading about your memories and experiences with Christmas. I can't get over the giant tub of Chex Mix! My goodness. I love it. I also know what you mean about the commercial aspect of the holiday. It is nice to find out what it is that you like and enjoy and hold onto that. I really enjoyed reading this and I wish you a very merry Christmas and an awesome New Year! (I can't believe it is right here!)ThatDude's Christmas MemoriesDec 06, 2013View
885ArticlepikachuloverA lot of places have phased out children's meal toys due to the obesity epidemic. McDonald's did give out books back in the 90s I remember getting some Berenstain Bears books there. I think Taco Bell gave out some other books. I think Little Critter books. Literary Classics at Taco BellDec 06, 2013View
889ArticleSegaFanaticGreat article! A bit short, but it was a good ride! Keep it up, man.ThatDude's Christmas MemoriesDec 06, 2013View
890ArticleSegaFanaticI can relate to those nostalgic Christmas memories you have.ThatDude's Christmas MemoriesDec 06, 2013View
891ArticleThatDudeintheHoodieI would have made it a bit longer but I got alot going on cause of it being December and I got another article to write. ThatDude's Christmas MemoriesDec 06, 2013View
892ArticleMissMpikachulover- I totally forgot about the Berenstein Bears books! That is right though, McDonalds had a few Berenstein Bear themed Happy Meals. I remember there was a very big variety of Happy Meal toys back then. They'd make books, items to promote healthy eating and exercise habits, and the usual toys. Benjanime- yeah, I do feel like kids these days are only getting more and more tech savvy that things like a book will not work compared to other gadgets. Vaporman- I totally remember that Godzilla commercial! That darn dog. I do remember that. And I don't think Taco Bell offers toys anymore with kids meals. But I might be wrong. And I know, it is very sad when McDonalds gets a ton of news over placing books in a Happy Meal. Back in the day this was just a common thing. It's crazy. I feel like Happy Meal toys will probably phase out from most stores. As newer generations come up, I don't know that they are going to care about toys, not to mention I see parents buy their children actual value meals when they should be getting them the Happy Meal. It's crazy and sad. Literary Classics at Taco BellDec 07, 2013View