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Displaying 3751-3760 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1451Articlejkatzpl, I don't know about anybody else, but I love costumes you throw together from whatever you have lying around the house. It's fun and you can get really creative and elaborate with it. I remember how one year I was pressed for time I so threw on a beret, tied a scarf around my neck, smeared my face with some makeup and went as "the snooty frenchman". Maybe that's a bad example but you get the idea. Oct 18, 2014View
2429ArticleOldSchool80sPlayed a lot of Pro Wrestling back in the early days. Remember Amazon would bite at your head and blood would spurt out. When you won a match you would get the "A WINNER IS YOU" screen. Yesterdays: MY Favorite Nintendo Games Part 3Jul 30, 2015View
5096ArticleBenjanimeplease take into consideration the advice that i gave in your article post in the forums, i'm sure it would be a great help for you.2000AD filmsDec 03, 2019View
4283ArticleHoju KoolanderPokemon has always been my cutoff point for retro kid crazes. It just didn't connect for me as a 14 year old. But I do remember about 3-4 years earlier a bunch of kids in my neighborhood getting me into collecting these shiny square Japanese sticker cards with little monsters on them. I can't remember the name, but I always wondered if they were the initial wave of Pokemon imported from Japan. Anybody know what I'm talking about?Pokemania! My time during the Pokemon CrazeFeb 13, 2018View
231ArticleRetrosc7Pokemon still held its own throughout the '00s and like you said is still popular in the '10s (the games at least are selling well). Once a franchise has maintained a level of fame like Pokemon has for FIFTEEN years, it's not really just a 'fad' anymore. It's closer to being a 'classic' (with the 90s and maybe the early 2000s being the 'golden years') that now has its own place in history with the likes of Mario and other long-lasting franchises.Article Classic: The Pok'emon FadJan 30, 2013View
84ArticleVaporman87Pokemon was a fad that took place long after I had graduated high school, so things of this nature did not appeal to me. About the closest thing to it during my years in school was Dungeons Article Classic: The Pok'emon FadDec 20, 2012View
2828VideoMr MagicPoor chubby kitty.Eek the Cat and Thunderlizards IntroOct 09, 2015View
2838VideoVaporman87Poor Dana Plato. It's like this game was a curse to her.Sega CD CommercialOct 10, 2015View
3918ArticleVaporman87Poor Kitty is always in Wolvie's way. It's a wonder he didn't really lose his temper with her more often. Also, those What Ifs sure could be bleak!Wolverine a Reader's Perspective Part 18Jun 08, 2017View
1026ArticleVaporman87Poor Modulok has been short changed here with a single commercial, while Glimmer has 9 images to show for her contributions. LOL. I did own Modulok from the original MOTU line, but remember very little about him. I had begun to lose interest in MOTU around the time of his release, having moved on to other, newer toys. But the combinations that could be made with his various parts seemed like a lame gimmick compared to some of the other MOTU offerings (I mean, Kobra Khan can shoot out water... Mosquitor can suck your blood... well, pretend to). My sister owned Glimmer and many other She-Ra figures, and the two of us would make the He-Man and She-Ra universes cross paths many times. I think I was a bit upset that my two female MOTU characters, Teela and Evil-Lyn, didn't have rooted hair. Why, I couldn't say. Considering I hated brushing/combing my own hair. LOLGuided by Light and Tales of a 1,000 ToysMar 03, 2014View