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Displaying 4071-4080 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4216ArticleHoju Koolander@jkatz Yeah, Dude! I still have a VCR (multiple actually) and love the VHS experience. Thanks! I'll PM you my info. Nov 29, 2017View
4221ArticleSupermanIf watched any cartoons on Sunday at all, it was usually whatever was airing on Cartoon Network at the time. My biggest cartoon viewing time tended to be weekday afternoons, though.SUNDAY Morning CartoonsDec 04, 2017View
4222ArticlemickyarberIt's weird that I don't remember ANY of these cartoons. Before I got cable, we would watch reruns of The Three Stooges and the Little Rascals on a local channel before church. Once I got cable, it USA's Cartoon Express on Sunday mornings. With cartoons like Dyno Mutt, Space Ghost, Honk Kong Phooey and more, it was a fun lineup. In 2000 when I got married, we got DirecTV and Boomerang, and I absolutely loved Boomer Action on SUndays. All morning long was just back to back shorts mixed up from the Superfriends, Aquaman, Sealab 2020, Thundarr, Herculoids, and more.SUNDAY Morning CartoonsDec 06, 2017View
4317ArticlekodakofiremembergamingSailor Moon, Conan the Barbarian, King Arthur and the Knights of the round, and Swat Kats was the Sunday Cartoons in Utah in the 90s. I wasn't allowed to watch on Sunday but did anyhow. I also remember some girl show called princess Guinevere and the jewel riders. One morning I was flipping Channels and saw an ad saying . Watch Princess Guinevere and the jewel riders for a phone number to appear. The first caller gets the complete toy collection of all the toys ever released. I flipped back to Swat Kats but during every commercial, I flipped back just to see if I could see the number. Sure Enough during one of the breaks, THere it was. I knew I would be busted if I used the phone my parents would wake up and I didn't want those toys anyway. Also, I was sure someone else would def already have won. Now, of course, Utah being a super religious state, THe majority of kids I went to school with were not allowed to watch on Sunday either. The number disapeared, I went back to Swat kats but not before seeing a message saying they would announce a winner later. Next Commercial break I flipped back wanting to see who won. The cartoon was super annoying and I was about to flip away when suddenly I Saw the number appear again. Uhhh whut???? No one had called the first timehahahahah no one was watching that shit cartoon in all of Utah. I couldnt believe it. I got super tempted. THinking I could use the big princess castle as like a base for my toys . I almost went and snagged the phone , but I really didnt wanna get busted. I stayed on the channel. The number disapeared . after a commercial break it came back. Ok this time I was gonna do it I couldnt believe that no one had claimed the prize. I slowly slowly snuck into my parents room. They were both asleep, I grabbed the phone and slowly stole back to the tv room. as I looked up at the number and started dialing it disapeared before I could get it in. DAMN IT. I thought. Praying it would appear again. a little Time pass and a girls name appeared on the screen. And thats the sunday morning I almost converted from straight to Gay.SUNDAY Morning CartoonsMar 22, 2018View
4257ArticleOldSchool80sWe did not have Sunday morning cartoons where I lived when I grew up. The only one of these shows I even remember was Spider Woman and that was definitely not on Sunday mornings in my market.SUNDAY Morning CartoonsDec 26, 2017View
4260ArticlemickyarberYou know I’m a big fan of the old cards, and I love reading your take on them. I just ordered a whole case of those American Gladiator cards from eBay and am anxiously awaiting their arrival!Trading Card Treasures Vol. 2Dec 30, 2017View
4269ArticleSupermanI didn't have any of these, but those TMNT cards would have been the set that interested me the most back in the day.Trading Card Treasures Vol. 2Jan 15, 2018View
4230ArticleVaporman87That Orko figure was always the subject of disappointment for me. I think they could have done a lot more with him, and come out with a few variants with different gimmicks.Action Figure Reclamation Project Phase 2Dec 22, 2017View
4259ArticlepikachuloverI have the morphing Kimberly figure from childhood. I took it to the beach and I used to play with it in my pool. She got a little rusty. This reminds me of a funny story about my 5th grade class had to build a model colonial village and we were put into groups. There was this guy who was a big Power Rangers fan and wanted to put his figures in the village. The other member of the group who made herself leader was a really mature girl and threatened me not to include any Power Rangers in our colonial village model. I was more interested in making milk carton houses and moss. Power Rangers didn't look colonial. Then I imagined a Power Ranger figure in a colonial outfit over their ranger suit. Action Figure Reclamation Project Phase 2Dec 30, 2017View
4262ArticleOldSchool80sLove the group photo at the end. Fun project! Look forward to seeing more as you add to the collection.Action Figure Reclamation Project Phase 2Jan 01, 2018View