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Displaying 4211-4220 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5044ArticleHoju Koolander@Mr Magic: Thanks for catching that. We'll chalk it up to a slip of the keyboard ;) Sep 24, 2019View
5086ArticleHoju Koolander80s Tees oughtta send you free shirts just to model for them. Show off those guns like Dutch teased you about pushing too many pencils!80s Tees T Shirt ReviewNov 26, 2019View
5153ArticleHoju KoolanderGlad to see the series return from hiatus! Fascinating discussion about what "Adamantium Laced" could really mean.Wolverine a Reader's Perspective Part 20Mar 16, 2020View
5247ArticleHoju Koolander@egome2 we can definitely relate. Never became a Juggalo myself, but glad you dug the return of the rock n' wrestling connection as much as I did.Wrestling with the 90'sAug 22, 2020View
5780ArticleHoju KoolanderHey, sorry for the late reply, RetroOtaku620. I'm fine with you sharing the story or if he wants me to read/retell it in person, I have mic, will travel. Just let me know.The Real GooniesOct 26, 2023View
1475ArticleBeryl001Thank you, I haven't written anything in quite awhile. Didn't know you could post pictures, but most likely wouldn't have anyway. I think this piece is better left to the imagination. The MeetingOct 21, 2014View
1258ArticlefuschniktThanks for the feedback, guys. This was my first upload. In hindsight, I should have maybe staged some photos for illustration purposes. May have also made the story more visually inviting. When I wrote it, I could picture everything happening as it did, I guess I wasn't sure how to present it as an illustrated article knowing I couldn't transcribe the visual memories in my nostalgia lobe. -DGThe Cereal IncidentSep 16, 2014View
1261ArticlefuschniktAh, yes. I had originally written this for my friends. I edited some, but left that in. It humored me that obviously nobody would know the place. Maybe should have nixed it. Still humored that you noticed. Thankfully, my Halloween submission is brand new and features nothing obscure like this. That one even has a picture..sort of.The Cereal IncidentSep 16, 2014View
1274ArticlefuschniktVaporman..I have to answer back with this.. 6th grade, German class. It was our first year and very early. We were supposed to create a board game in German. My group decided a cool idea would be if the player were swallowed by a giant snake. A German snake. Being so early in the year, we had to ask the teacher how to say "snake" in German. I volunteered, and upon asking the teacher she gave me this look. She said nothing. Simply wrote a word on a small post it. Handed it to me, again, with that look. Walking away, I thought that was so weird. then I looked at the paper. I guarantee, to this day, she thinks I just wanted her to say the word. Our game was called, "The German Snake," or "die deutsche schlange." The Not-So-Great PumpkinSep 18, 2014View
1527ArticlefuschniktGreatest NES game ever. I played it for the first time in a number of decades this Halloween. I realize more and more just how terrible I was at video games as a child. And yet I loved them so much. I finally defeated the game this year, only to find that, as a child, I had only every made it halfway through level two. Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveNov 24, 2014View