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Displaying 4311-4320 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4423ArticlepikachuloverThe most memorable parts were getting that cute shirt and the watch incident. I didn't live that down for years.  Jun 13, 2018View
491VideoBenjanimethe movie itself isn't even how the director envisioned it. as soon as he had shown the script to the producers they took control of the movie in seconds. originally the plot was going to be about holly having a demonic child, as the story would take an entirely different approach. perhaps if he had control of it like he was able to with his past films, it would have done betterCool World 1992 TrailerMar 19, 2013View
4295VideoBenjanimethe name sounded familiar, but i've never seen it before. guess it's yet another anime i'll have to check into.Those Who Hunt Elves OPFeb 26, 2018View
5227ArticlepikachuloverThe new WWE ice cream sandwiches have no flavor. They only come with 4 different designs; Cena, Randy Savage, Becky Lynch and Roman Regins. Vintage WWF MerchandiseJul 21, 2020View
745VideoVaporman87The Noid is and will always be one of my favorite brand Mascots.Domino's Pan Pizza-The Noid's NewspaperJul 30, 2013View
3902ArticleVaporman87The one I'm most familiar with here is California Dreams. I think of all the SBTB clones, that one stuck out to me. I think the main draw was the cast, which was not too bad. They did an admirable job of creating appealing characters and scenarios. Most of these are new to me, so it's cool to find out about them.Attack of the “Saved by the Bell” ClonesMay 26, 2017View
3114VideoMr MagicThe one where the head comes off is freaky.Beetlejuice Action Figure CommercialNov 17, 2015View
4496ArticlejkatzThe only Barbie-related memories I have involve jamming out to the song by Aqua in the mid 2000s.Barbie Magazine 1988Jul 22, 2018View
385ArticleVaporman87The only car on this list that I ever built a model of was the General Lee. Top 30 Cars & Trucks from 80s Movies & TVFeb 19, 2013View
1180VideoMr MagicThe only one I can think of is 102 Dalmatians. Dalmatians Original TeaserAug 18, 2014View