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Displaying 4341-4350 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4765ArticlejkatzI wonder if Chris (though I guess it's "Christine" now) Chan has seen this. Jan 03, 2019View
4766ArticleBenjanimeknowing how chris chan was with his SSI payments back then i'm sure he whipped out his credit card and bought the vhs/dvd instantly like he's done with his money on other sonic products.Sonic the Hedgehog: The MovieJan 04, 2019View
4767ArticleMr MagicThe real Tex Avery is probably rolling around in his grave.Saturday Morning BoresJan 05, 2019View
4768ArticlejkatzNow all you need is a framed photo of Captain Lou Albano. My Super Mario Bros BathroomJan 05, 2019View
4771ArticleVaporman87A truly incredible feat of design. You should hosting a show on HGTV. Then maybe I would actually have a reason to watch that channel. lolMy Super Mario Bros BathroomJan 05, 2019View
4770ArticleVaporman87I didn’t tune in often enough to notice the difference in quality in later seasons of Ghostbusters, but the difference between Sonic Underground and it’s predecessor are as stark as can be. I much preferred the richer storylines and more serious tone. Sonic Underground was a huge step back. Sonic X was a good palette cleanser later on.Saturday Morning BoresJan 05, 2019View
4772Articlebluegrassbaby86Most of the plushies I was attached to were not affiliated with a character. I didn't really watch cartoons as much as a little kid due to having no eyesight and most of the shows were hard for me to follow because you couldn't figure out what was happening just from hearing them, so if I did have a character, he wasn't played with as the character, just a plushie. My absolute favorite toy was a teddy bear that would record your voice and repeat it back to you. I did have what they told me was called Pillow Pals, which I guess are the same as Pillow People, and I had a Popple, but I didn't know he turned into an animal and I just played with him as a fuzzy ball. I miss my Popple.Stuffed Animals of the 80'sJan 05, 2019View
4775ArticleBenjanimei never got the flack for the sequel, sure it lacked the horror of the original, but the goofy celebrity cameos made up for it (at least in my opinion).Interview With The Gremlins CreatorJan 05, 2019View
4777Articlebluegrassbaby86I've been looking for that huffing one for a long time. I heard a radio version as a kid which scared the heck out of me.Memories of PDFA, and other PSA’s Jan 05, 2019View
4778ArticleHoju Koolander@Vaporman87 Oh, HGTV is all my wife watches in hotel rooms when we're on vacation. This is my passive aggressive retaliation. @jkatz Now you've got me adding one more item to my wish list. This must happen.My Super Mario Bros BathroomJan 06, 2019View