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Displaying 4391-4400 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
76VideoVaporman87There was a chain of Foodlands here in my area (actually there still are some). However, they are obviously not affiliated with this chain.  Dec 18, 2012View
1480ArticlesquidbeeThere was a Children's Palace store close to me during my youth. I even had the VHS tape of your first video. I wish I still had it for nostalgia's sake, but I recorded over it with music videos from 120 Minutes on MTV.Children's Palace Was RealOct 23, 2014View
1063ArticleBenjanimethere was a dunkin' donuts cereal? while i'm glad to be an 80's birthchild i wish i'd been old enough to try out these wacky foods that brand companies had to offer. then again there was the 'oreo o's' cereal from around 1998 that my mom would get at sam's clubA Logo of LoveApr 15, 2014View
4540ArticleVaporman87There was a Gex novel? That's so odd. So odd that I want to own it now. LOLVideo game related merchandiseSep 05, 2018View
5471ArticleMr MagicThere was a Goonies II game? Huh.The NES Games I Remember Playing:Part 1Aug 11, 2021View
3615Articleechidna64There was a Kids Club Commerical that would play on one of my TMNT vhs tapes- it definitely is chock full of 90's nostalgia- King Kids Club ToysDec 20, 2016View
5189ArticleretrocrunchThere was a old playground where my grandparents lived that I loved as a kid. Like others, its been torn down and replaced with new equipment. My favorite was a 25 foot tall swingset that had about 10 swings across. We would do back flips off it, see who can jump out farthur, have swing wars, and all sorts of fun. That was the tallest swing I ever went on and I havent seen any nowadays that comes close. Everyones afraid of suits. Good times back then, miss those playgrounds.Castles of YesteryearApr 26, 2020View
5124ArticleMr MagicThere was a Tiny Toon Adventures episode that involved beer. Heck, there was a Porky Pig cartoon that involved smoking!Serious Topics in Kids ShowsFeb 20, 2020View
4686ArticleBenjanimethere was actually a brief point in time when my mom actually baked christmas cookies, including the gingerbread man made for the tree, but she stopped when she saw that i attempted to eat that same gingerbread man, lol.RetroJunk Classic: The 90s Holiday Trilogy: ChristmasNov 27, 2018View
3703ArticleBenjanimethere was actually a cancelled earthworm jim game for the psp, it looked like it was a reboot of the original with some interesting features, but it was in development hell from what i'd heard. Worst Games I've Rented on my AllowanceJan 29, 2017View