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Displaying 4411-4420 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3916ArticlepikachuloverThere were so many of these. I remember the one with the girl who would dive into the empty pool. Or even of you got to see local ones from the state, county, or large metropolitan area.  Jun 07, 2017View
2324ArticleVaporman87There. The images are up and running.Vor-Tech: Undercover Conversion SquadJun 24, 2015View
5439ArticleBenjanimethere's a couple of stores like those in chesapeake, virginia but boy howdy is that area of virginia ever a craphole. i've heard since the past couple of decades that many stores had to get closed down due to robberies.The Corner StoreJun 10, 2021View
559VideoVaporman87There's a lot of high hair in this video.Platinum Blonde-Cryin' Over YouApr 02, 2013View
5467Articletwcfan92There's a toy that I've spent the last few years looking for with no leads. Which isn't too surprising considering that I only remember a few details. I got it for Christmas from my mom in 1989. It was my favorite present that year, and I remember taking it with me when we went to my grandparent's house later to celebrate Christmas with them. Anyway, whatever it was was in a grey box that looked like a briefcase. It had a white, plastic handle. What was inside? I have no idea! I believe it had something to do with cars, but that's just a good guess. I've done several Google searches. I also purchased and reviewed the Sears, JCPenney, Service Merchandise, and Radio Shack Christmas catalogs from that year. Nothing! At least nothing that made me think "that COULD be it." So it probably came from a local store that went out of business years ago. Damn. I did, however, find all of the Micro Machine light-up buildings and cars we got that year, but those were fairly easy to find.The Things We've LostAug 09, 2021View
1216ArticlevkimoThere's actually a Pound Puppy at the thrift store now haha it's been there a few days. I found one about 2 years ago still in the cardboard dog house, that was cool.Retro ThriftingSep 08, 2014View
1786ArticleVaporman87There's also a whole lotta John Cusack "leading man" films here. Makes you realize just how popular he was in the 80's. Also, just how hard it was for him to carry a film without a sidekick.Top Sidekick Characters from 80s MoviesJan 12, 2015View
814ArticleMr MagicThere's always one next to one of the churches here every year called Candyfest.Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 03, 2013View
838VideoMr MagicThere's another version of this same song that rock star Marilyn Manson does.This is HalloweenOct 22, 2013View
668VideoMr MagicThere's nothing wrong with being poetic, but this is too much. XD I'd just be begging for a glass of milk if I were in a desert lol.Milk: It Tastes So GoodMay 19, 2013View