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Displaying 4541-4550 of 5258 results.
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4414ArticleNLoganThis is the design on the blue Masters of the Universe shirt, it was also on the very first mini-comic included with the figures. It has the flying boulders super imposed behind the image from the toy logo. <img src="/images/postImages/1528854046hemanshirt1.jpg" width="195" height="347"> The second Masters of the Universe red shirt both blurry and harness pics is of Battle Armor He-Man with Pterodactyls flying in the background. <img src="/images/postImages/1528854322hemanshirt2.jpg" width="248" height="330"> Jun 13, 2018View
258VideoMr MagicThis is the golden age of animation right here.Porky Pig's Feat (1943)Feb 05, 2013View
3587ArticleHoju KoolanderThis is the great American Christmas story, Mick. It's fit for a Hallmark film titled, "Son of Santa Claus". That kind of story really adds some shine to the family legacy. Thanks for sharing, it reminded me about the real spirit of the season.1986: The Year That Santa Became RealDec 16, 2016View
2679VideoVaporman87This is the most hilarious unintentionally funny commercial I have seen in a long time. LOL!The Crying HotlineSep 21, 2015View
4318ArticlekodakofiremembergamingThis is to good.Timewarp: Toys R Us 1987Mar 22, 2018View
2400ArticlemunkysrenchThis is your bro Stephen by the way, lol. I remember the majority of these on TV growing up with you. Toonami was a blast to watch on Friday and Saturday nights when there was nothing left to do on the weekend. I bought the Guyver series as well as the first couple volumes of Voltron on DVD when I first got stationed to Grand Forks. One lesson I learned from that is they were only fun to watch when you're a kid, and don't care about the dialogue. Watching it again was painful as an adult, because nothing anybody was saying made sense (there was a point in the Guyver where an enemy was like, "Feel the wrath of 100 million volts!", like he really didn't know how much power he had). I was glad to see Suncoast, as well as Sam Goody's just because of how obscene their prices were. Good article, bud. Thinking of writing one on here myself soon.Anime memoriesJul 15, 2015View
5029ArticlejkatzThis isn't an article.. this is a dang master's thesis on Ninjas in 80's pop culture.Revenge of the Imaginary Ninjas!Sep 01, 2019View
4168ArticleHoju KoolanderThis kind of Japanese release fascinates me. Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of this anime film of The Guyver I found in the 90s called Out of Control that was a wacky one off story changing some key plot points and characters. Luckily there was also an anime TV series that was much closer to the original manga.The Great Mission to Save Princess PeachOct 09, 2017View
3793ArticlejkatzThis movie certainly has more merchandise than I thought it would...I'd take any of these over the notoriously awful NES tie-in game. Antique Store Finds: Dick Tracy MemorabiliaMar 23, 2017View
1487VideoMr MagicThis movie is too hardcore. It's a good one, though.Casino 10th Anniversary Edition DVD TrailerNov 02, 2014View