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Displaying 5201-5210 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2050ArticleVaporman87You know, one has to wonder... was Paul acting out because he knew the show was ending, and he figured he needed to break away from his alter ego in order to get a different range of parts? I thought he did really well in Buffy The Vampire Slayer (the movie, not the atrocious television series). Cool fun facts Hoju. Thanks for sharing a few from the book. Feb 25, 2015View
311VideoMr MagicYou know, there's a lot of dogs who aren't cut out to be hunting dogs, and there's a chance this fella might be one of 'em.Bugs Bunny: The Heckling HareFeb 12, 2013View
2644ArticleVaporman87You know, when I first read this I thought, "C'mon... seriously?" Then I remembered that I once had an irrational fear of Bert and Ernie. But the thing was, it was only at night... in bed. During the day, I could watch them on Sesame Street and not give it a second thought. But at night they bothered me for whatever reason. If I would think about them, I would have a hard time getting to sleep. Then I would, occasionally, see one or both of them in my dreams, and though they weren't physically assaulting me or threatening me, I wanted away from them. So weird!!!Muppet MayhemSep 14, 2015View
2686ArticleVaporman87You left me hanging! LOL. What went terribly, terribly wrong the final time? Ahhh, to be innocent and naive once more. Believing that everything is as simple as it appears to be. Hulk never mentioned the amount of time and effort required. Nor the fact that the "equipment" provided was far from adequate. So obviously the problem was something with YOU! LOL. Which leaves mom and dad to be the bad guys and explain reality. So not only did they buy the product with hard earned money, they then had to break the news that it was bogus. What a deal!Hulkamaniacs Sep 21, 2015View
5701ArticleGame JoyYou listed the top notch 2000's games for the PlayStation! Blockbuster franchises like Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Duke Nukem, Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot, all of them unforgettable and truly amazing! And that Driver 2 was great as well, superior than the predecessor. Thanks for sharing your charisma and good taste for games, my brother @Benjanime.Celebrating the Millennium with PlayStationJan 14, 2023View
4954ArticleNLoganYou may have one of the only picture of a squeeze its package with the characters on it. I searched high and low and could not find one for my lunchroom article back in the day. I also had the pink panther stuffed animal.Temple of Retro ToysJun 07, 2019View
1259ArticleVaporman87You mention a mall and some place called Donatelli's near Century College, and say we probably know where that is. LOL. Can't say I do. :)The Cereal IncidentSep 16, 2014View
5327ArticleThatDudeintheHoodieYou need to work a lot on your formatting. Size your pictures right, format your paragraphs correctly, and drop using backgrounds.My Top 10 Gen 1 PokemonNov 09, 2020View
4418ArticleNLoganYou need to work the phrase,"You can bet your sweet Orko" into your daily parlance, especially with strangers.Awesome 80's T-ShirtsJun 13, 2018View
1721ArticleNLoganYou only left out 6 carrots for 8 reindeer, 9 if you include Rudolph. That would have been a bloodbath. That is a pretty cool looking Scooby Doo game that I had no idea even existed. Sometimes we must learn the hard way I got a chuckle out of both of you imagining your faces after tasting the bitter chocolate.The Santa DiariesDec 20, 2014View