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Displaying 4841-4850 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3288ArticleHoju KoolanderWhat a varied list, this was awesome. Those Playskool People are such time capsule figures, seeing as they were created to represent the "contemporary" look of everyday people from that era. I too have long been amazed by R-Rated toy lines like Terminator 2, Demolition Man, Predator and Rambo. The basic attitude of the day seemed to be, "If it looks cool, mold it in plastic for the kids". That was a great story about your Miss Elizabeth figure. My Dad was also involved in a lot of my collecting during childhood, though it was most definitely not his thing.  Jan 20, 2016View
57VideoMr MagicWhat a year that was for Nickelodeon.Nickelodeon 1994 Year in ReviewDec 14, 2012View
3813ArticleJeff1980What about "Garfield and Friends" which ran from 1988 to 1994 Overrated shows from my childhoodMar 31, 2017View
4919ArticlejkatzWhat about Batman Triumphant, the planned follow-up to Batman and Robin? Not much was confirmed about it, other than that it would've had The Scarecrow as the main antagonist.Films Almost MadeApr 22, 2019View
5077ArticlejkatzWhat about the build-your-own Inspector Gadget? If that wasn't 90s, it had to be veeeeery early 2000s. I remember some kid in kindergarten having the whole set and me being jealous of him. Favorite 1990s Happy Meal ToysNov 05, 2019View
3746ArticlevkimoWhat about the Gameboy Color? We're about the same age so I assume you had one during the N64 years as I did.The Nintendo Experience - Part 1Feb 12, 2017View
3584ArticleRick Ace RhodesWhat an amazing article Mickey. It's nice to hear such a genuine story about compassion and giving back. Unfortunately too many people get caught up in the commercialism behind Christmas, but stories like this are just a great example that not everyone does.1986: The Year That Santa Became RealDec 15, 2016View
4455ArticleVaporman87What an awesome journey. To be able to visit all of these important locations in the film, knowing how culturally significant they are to Gen-X folks like us. Reminds me of Hoju's trip to some locations where Bill and Ted was filmed. Memories that will last forever!Our Goonies AdventureJun 18, 2018View
2802ArticleVaporman87What an awesome read! Ha! I loved every bit of this. Talk about having to live with the consequences of your actions... you big bully! Nah, I'm not innocent of picking on my little brother. I did that quite a bit, and have video evidence of it on VHS tapes. But I don't think I ever frightened him to death like this. That's just cruel man! But it REALLY works with the last name being Myers. So perfect. The Michael Myers ConnectionOct 08, 2015View
3054ArticleVaporman87What an epic rundown! I can SOOOO relate to your thoughts here, as I too was finding myself "back into" wrestling around this time, and it was mostly a result of the AKI games. To this day, I still don't believe there is any better gameplay system for wrestling games than that achieved by AKI. The grapple system was just superior, and easy to use. Maybe the graphics were a bit less realistic, but each wrestler had that "He-Man" feel, where each was molded from the same basic body (though height and weight were still represented), and that gave the game a cohesive look. once No Mercy came out, they had really pushed it to the limit and made the fun of playing a very long lasting experience. I loved creating my own wrestler, intro, and move set, and then taking that character from zero to hero. But it was also fun to just use them in crazy match types and watch the chaos ensue. I know for a fact that when you got four people together in the room playing each other, crazy things would happen that would make you laugh so hard your sides hurt. So much fun. We actually owned a device for the N64 that allowed us to play Japanese releases, and one of those releases was Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 (the Japanese counterpart of WCW/nWo World Tour). There were subtle differences in some of the characters, moves, and such, but the biggest difference was the roster selection. It included American and Japanese wrestling legends, and that made it very cool. You could also change and customize wrestlers' attire, which you could not do until later releases in America. <img src="/images/postImages/1446222908Virtual Pro Wrestling 64.png">A Look Back at the Nintendo 64 Wrestling GamesOct 30, 2015View