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Displaying 4911-4920 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4637ArticleHoju KoolanderWhile I was driving around for RetroCon last year I was listening to the Big Orange Couch podcast ep 61 where they talked all about the Nick Or Treat block and especially that process of the call-in prize line and going to the houses on the TV screen. Very fun. Oct 24, 2018View
3867ArticleHoju KoolanderWhile I was not quite old enough to experience these events in real time, their influence was felt in so many parodies on my favorite sitcoms like The Simpsons with "Sending Our Love Down The Well" and an episode of Married...With Children featuring "washed up" musicians singing "We Are The Old" to name a few.Remembering Live Aid (1985)Apr 24, 2017View
1061ArticleBenjanimewhile i'm not all that excited about the sequel, i will give it a chance since the original director's involvedThe Goonies 'R' Good EnoughApr 15, 2014View
1670ArticleVaporman87While on the subject, there is a great image collection of cassette tapes <a href="">located here</a>. I tried contacting the owner to see if he'd be willing to lend out his image collection to us, so we could have it displayed here, but never received a reply.My Christmas 1982Dec 16, 2014View
4263ArticleDirtyD79While personally I prefer small mom and pop type place for pizza, I always thought Pizza Hut was the best of the chain pizza shops. I remember we used to have this one pitcher Pizza Hut was giving out as a promotional item. We had it for nearly 10 years and kept on using it for Kool-Aid and iced tea until one day it just got too grungy to keep using. :( I also remember one time when I was a kid my Dad's bowling league did something pretty cool where all of us kids got to take a tour of a pizza hut and make our own small personal pan pizzas. It's such a sin to see the sit down restaurants going away. They had a style all their own and definitely look a lot better than the boring boxes that pass for restaurants these days.When Pizza Hut Was KingJan 04, 2018View
2923ArticleVaporman87While traveling though West Virginia, a gentleman whom I work with and who has known my family for generations explained to me that somewhere in a wooded area off the highway was a now overgrown and hidden graveyard where some of my ancestors were buried. I remember this because he had told me that their last names had been either Corne or Korne or something like that, and that I also had ancestors with the last name Cobb. Korne, Cobb, ... corn cobb. Hahaha.Urban Legend visit of my youth-revisitedOct 14, 2015View
1716ArticleVaporman87While you were just beginning to enjoy life with your NES out of diapers, I was graduating high school. Man I'm old. LOLvkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 20, 2014View
3129ArticleMr MagicWho can forget the Richard Nixon mask? Perfect for robbers.Retro Rubber MasksNov 22, 2015View
607ArticleVaporman87Who doesn't have just a little love for Boba Fett. Sure he's a bit heartless and maybe not so nice, but he DID have to watch his dad get his head lightsabered off by Shaft. How would that make YOU feel? Anyhow, his figure is worth a great deal of money because of his cult popularity and this mail away status. Can you imagine if you had left him in the package and kept it locked away in a vacuum sealed safe? Yeah, me neither. But still... if you had... you'd be the envy of Star Wars Ebay members everywhere. Thanks for this OldSchool! A great read.Boba Fett - My Favorite Action FigureMay 05, 2013View
2142VideoMr MagicWho doesn't? ;)Animaniacs - Little Old Slappy from PasadenaMar 23, 2015View