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Forum » Chew The Fat » The Café
not exactly something i'm upset about, but i miss when heinz had their green and purple colored ketchup, it was a hilarious way of grossing out my friends at cafeteria lunch at school

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3DS Friend Code: 4124-6332-4341
Name: Benji
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
Vaporman87 wrote :

@TDitH: Well, what can you do? I wish you better times ahead, and a smooth transition back to Texas my friend

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Benjanime wrote :

although i've never been in a relationship i could imagine how rough it's been for you, sorry to hear about it hoodie. hope the move back is met with a refreshing experience for you.
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Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :

ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :

So I'm single again, doing okay. Also, moving back to Texas. But it's for the better. 
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Sorry to hear that. Glad you are doing better though.

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Thanks everyone, it's been kind of rough between the time crunch and my ex being more hostile towards me and not really talking to me. I've been talking to my friends and family back home to have some semblance of just not being alone. It might have been a clean break, but there's still fallout. 
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Benjanime wrote :

not exactly something i'm upset about, but i miss when heinz had their green and purple colored ketchup, it was a hilarious way of grossing out my friends at cafeteria lunch at school

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Nickelodeon brought the green one back
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Rick Ace Rhodes
Benjanime wrote :

not exactly something i'm upset about, but i miss when heinz had their green and purple colored ketchup, it was a hilarious way of grossing out my friends at cafeteria lunch at school

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I used to eat these growing up. They were pretty fun to eat. It was just regular ketchup, but having it be a different color was awesome.

I've been craving the old Cheez It Twisterz lately. This used to be my go to snack growing up, and now they don't make them anymore.

Not just that, but I'm also craving the Lays Cracker Crisps. I don't know if anyone else ate these since they were only around for a short time, but they were extremely delicious. I used to eat the cheddar ones.
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*Insert funny signature here*
Mr Magic
Check out the new Red Bull can.

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"Magic can happen to you."

Liking the Pac-Man dressing. Still won't drink it though.
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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
I haven't had a Red Bull in a long time. I'm more into Kickstart.
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"Magic can happen to you."

I got a job offer to which will probably be my first legitimate employment of my adult life. I'm hoping for the best! It's with an energy company called UGI that's pretty big here in PA.   
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@vkimo: Let me formally welcome you to the energy industry! Will you be working in the electric or gas side of things?

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You love this signature.
That's right! I'll be starting off as a gas meter reader then can move onto other fields if I wish. 
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