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I really hope nothing much changes for Halloween and the Macy's Parade. I mean, if there are no spectators on the streets that's not a big deal, I just hope they perform the parade like normal.

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There are more details to come in the early fall. But it's gonna be odd this year. 

Vaporman87 wrote :

I really hope nothing much changes for Halloween and the Macy's Parade. I mean, if there are no spectators on the streets that's not a big deal, I just hope they perform the parade like normal.

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Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic

I thought the Macy's Parade was cancelled.

ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :

They claim it is, but unless they are going to do it like the MLB has, I doubt it. Macy's Parade is gonna be different this year too. 

Mr Magic wrote :


August is usually the time when NFL teams play preseason games, but there hasn't been one. Is the NFL still happening this year?

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Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."


I really hope nothing much changes for Halloween and the Macy's Parade. I mean, if there are no spectators on the streets that's not a big deal, I just hope they perform the parade like normal.

Yeah, I've been wondering about Halloween a lot, if they'll cancel trick or treating. I feel like it's a distinct possibility. I didn't even think about the Macy's parade! Oh wow...yeah, this whole year has been so weird. I guess it'll just continue to be.  

Quote Disable Sigs

It's still going on, just gonna be different. 

Mr Magic wrote :

I thought the Macy's Parade was cancelled.

ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :


They claim it is, but unless they are going to do it like the MLB has, I doubt it. Macy's Parade is gonna be different this year too. 

Mr Magic wrote :


August is usually the time when NFL teams play preseason games, but there hasn't been one. Is the NFL still happening this year?

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Quote Disable Sigs

I mean... everyone's already wearing masks during Trick-or-Treat right? 

onipar wrote :

I really hope nothing much changes for Halloween and the Macy's Parade. I mean, if there are no spectators on the streets that's not a big deal, I just hope they perform the parade like normal.

Yeah, I've been wondering about Halloween a lot, if they'll cancel trick or treating. I feel like it's a distinct possibility. I didn't even think about the Macy's parade! Oh wow...yeah, this whole year has been so weird. I guess it'll just continue to be.  

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Mr Magic

Kamala the wrestler died earlier this month.


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"Magic can happen to you."


joe ruby, the co-creator of scooby-doo has passed away.

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3DS Friend Code: 4124-6332-4341
Name: Benji
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Mr Magic

I went to Newk's last night with my church group.

They make great pepperoni pizza.

Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."


This has totally not been on the radar, but one of my favorite candy bars... Zero... turned 100 this year.

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