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Forum » Chew The Fat » How was your day?
I've been offline for more than a day because of Frontier internet. I used to have Verizon. 
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Mr Magic
Verizon's internet was nothing more than a scam to me.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Mr Magic
Watching Happy Gilmore during golf's biggest event: The Masters.
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"Magic can happen to you."

After receiving a quote from a homebuilder for constructing a new home on our property, we once again have changed our minds and have decided to add on to our existing home (for now).

Over the past month or so, we have gone back and forth deciding what to do for more space. First it was building a new house, then adding on, then building a new house, then adding on, then building a new house, and now adding on with the possible intent of building new later on. This back and forth is the result of lots of different factors, mostly either cosmetic, structural, or monetary in nature. But it's giving me a headache. 

So with the quote we received being TOO STINKING MUCH, we are now settling for adding on but not to the extent we had originally planned, in order to leave room for a driveway that we might need if we did save up to build new later on down the road. 

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Mr Magic
My sister-in-law, niece, and nephew came to town today, so we spent the whole day together. We went out to see Zootopia, and it was amazing. Even better with 3-D glasses. Always a pleasure seeing loved ones come over.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Vaporman87 wrote :

After receiving a quote from a homebuilder for constructing a new home on our property, we once again have changed our minds and have decided to add on to our existing home (for now).

Over the past month or so, we have gone back and forth deciding what to do for more space. First it was building a new house, then adding on, then building a new house, then adding on, then building a new house, and now adding on with the possible intent of building new later on. This back and forth is the result of lots of different factors, mostly either cosmetic, structural, or monetary in nature. But it's giving me a headache. 

So with the quote we received being TOO STINKING MUCH, we are now settling for adding on but not to the extent we had originally planned, in order to leave room for a driveway that we might need if we did save up to build new later on down the road. 

-end quote
Man, that sounds like a major headache. Sometimes the deliberation take more time than the project itself. You just gotta make a choice and stick to it, or you'll live in limbo for all eternity. 

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Spent this afternoon working on building a monkey bar set outside (homemade, not from a kit). It ended up being more complicated that anticipated.
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Stuck having to see a play for a class that clocked in at a little less than 3 hours.
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pikachulover wrote :

Stuck having to see a play for a class that clocked in at a little less than 3 hours.  
-end quote
What was it called and what was it about? 
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It was And then there were None it's an adaptation of the Agatha Christie story.
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