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Displaying 3361-3370 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2081ArticleSegaFanaticYeah, exactly! Haha!The Dinosaur KidMar 17, 2015View
2080ArticleVaporman87LOL. Like with his elbows against his waist and his forearms sticking outward? The Dinosaur KidMar 17, 2015View
2079ArticleSegaFanaticThat's the extent of it; he kinda ran with T. Rex arms too.The Dinosaur KidMar 17, 2015View
2078ArticleVaporman87I too was forced into T-Ball. I remember very little about it though. My only real memories are of the field and our uniforms, and of a teammate having his hand get swollen and blue from being hit with a pitch. That pretty much made me want out. That you could get injured. I wanted no part of an injury. LOL Now, my Cub Scouts days... I remember more about that. T-Ball though... it's all lost in a thick fog.Team SportsMar 16, 2015View
2077ArticleVaporman87That is really creepy, and yet hilarious at the same time. My only guess it that perhaps he had consumed way too many candy cigarettes and too much Surge and then wigged out. LOL I do have a question though... why did you give him the name "Dinosaur Kid"? Was it the roar alone? The Dinosaur KidMar 16, 2015View
2076ArticleMr MagicHogan was a heel you just loved to hate. I mean he was a heel in the early 80s, but it was nothing compared to his NWO persona.Wrestling with the 90'sMar 13, 2015View
2075ArticleVaporman87I think, at first, I looked at Hogan's transformation into "Hollywood" as a bit of a joke. It seemed like something thrown out there just to rock the boat, and nothing more. But as time went on, it really seemed to fit. Hogan could do the heel almost as well as the face. Wrestling with the 90'sMar 13, 2015View
2074ArticlepikachuloverIt was funny because they played those songs at lunch a lot too. So we would walk out of our classes for lunch and we would hear those songs. Play Something NewerMar 12, 2015View
2073ArticleVaporman87I think that would be something very memorable, to have the same music playing at all these dances. Almost like a school's own personal soundtrack. LOL. Though, something new would have been nice once in a while. LOL.Play Something NewerMar 12, 2015View
2072ArticleHoju Koolander@thecrow174 Glad to hear you enjoyed Ready to Rumble too, "Crown me, King!" There was definitely a competition on merch between Goldberg and Stone Cold during those few years, but Austin;s legacy burns brightest in retrospect. Still, I love Goldberg's catch phrase, "Who's next?!" @comic_book_fan Razor Ramon was such an iconic character. To this day, I can't pick up a toothpick without wanting to flick it in somebody's face and call them "Chico". During his Scott Hall days, my favorite bits were when he started his promos with, "Hey yo, survey time..."Wrestling with the 90'sMar 11, 2015View